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What Made You Happy Today?

*4 AM in the damn morning*

Guys: Spirit, wake up.

Me: Oh my god, why?

Guys: We're going to London.

Me: Oh my god, why?

Guys: We're taking you to the Pokemon Center.

Me: Oh my god! Why?!

Guys: We've had it planned for a while, we wanted to do something nice for you.

My guys are so good to me, had a great day. Got some merch and got to play the Sword and Shield demo and kick Nessa's waifu ass!
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Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
I've been asleep in the driver's seat
I've been lost in my head for weeks
Trying to find what it is I need
Too goddamned tired to sleep

Went to see The Midnight live in Manchester tonight. They were amazing.

Love is a setting sun
Is a smoking gun
Is a four-letter word
I hope it hurts

It was incredible to hear these songs that I've loved for years live. They had such different energy to them.

You found somebody
I found someone too
She got everything I need, yeah
But she's not you

They added some amazing guitar solos and a lot more saxophone. It was like everything I loved about them but more.

Kissed you when I saw you
Stared deep into your eyes
I meant to say I love you
But instead I said goodbye

These songs have felt so intimate and private for so long. And sharing them with two thousand people tonight, hearing us all sing them together, has transformed what they mean to me.

The gold silhouette
You take off your clothes
And my heart feels the weight
Of all I don't know

It's been so many years since I last went to a concert. I'm glad this one was so special and perfect.

Helicopters against the moonlight
Our holy mother of the midnight
If we live forever
Let us live forever tonight

Keep it strong, gang
I've been asleep in the driver's seat
I've been lost in my head for weeks
Trying to find what it is I need
Too goddamned tired to sleep

Went to see The Midnight live in Manchester tonight. They were amazing.

Love is a setting sun
Is a smoking gun
Is a four-letter word
I hope it hurts

It was incredible to hear these songs that I've loved for years live. They had such different energy to them.

You found somebody
I found someone too
She got everything I need, yeah
But she's not you

They added some amazing guitar solos and a lot more saxophone. It was like everything I loved about them but more.

Kissed you when I saw you
Stared deep into your eyes
I meant to say I love you
But instead I said goodbye

These songs have felt so intimate and private for so long. And sharing them with two thousand people tonight, hearing us all sing them together, has transformed what they mean to me.

The gold silhouette
You take off your clothes
And my heart feels the weight
Of all I don't know

It's been so many years since I last went to a concert. I'm glad this one was so special and perfect.

Helicopters against the moonlight
Our holy mother of the midnight
If we live forever
Let us live forever tonight

Keep it strong, gang

Oooohhh jealous!

Strangers in a dark room, laughing at jokes they didn't quite hear
Frosted window panes and cheap champagne a face appears
And anything could happen in these cathedrals we roam
Where shadow people dance and trade their glance and walk home alone
Oct 30, 2018
Finally caught a female Phanpy. It took three days, and I nearly missed the window, of being able to catch it when I did, by 3 minutes! That was a pain to hunt for, but the a feeling of accomplishment made it all too worth it.
i made a friend

yes he got lots of beans

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