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What Made You Happy Today?

Oct 30, 2018
Finally that I was able to make a decision whether to buy a Nintendo Switch or a drawing tablet. The latter won; I don't regret my decision, I am truly happy.
Oh yeah, keep it Retro!

I get to have coffee today.

Job interview tomorrow afternoon. Whoa! That went lightning fast!

Sending good vibes hun :hug:

It was a good day today at work. People were sad when they heard it was my last day. Yeah I really liked it over there but with the changes coming up and no future for us anymore over there it's time to move on. I made great friends I love to keep in touch with, I got myself a boyfriend out of it and I got many cool things and memories. But it's time to move on and that opportunity has been given to me so I'm taking it :)

Congrats hun! <3
I hope you enjoy it <3

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