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What Made You Happy Today?


Southern Belle
Apr 16, 2021
Since we were out of town at the theater this evening, I went ahead and bought tickets for the mario movie!! I'm so excited, we're gonna go watch it friday night. As soon as I heard about the movie I wanted to buy tickets so my lil brother could watch it, he's going to love it (and I'm gonna love it too)

just got back home, it's like 11, super tired. I meant to do other things this evening but eh I'll get them done tomorrow
I ordered mine yesterday, gonna go to the first showing with my little sister tomorrow!!


Southern Belle
Apr 16, 2021
double post but i'm thinking of it now (I guess it counts as today cus it was 1 in the AM last night) but while listening to random songs I stumbled upon this one by accident, and its actually a song my dad would play all the time when i was a small child, it hit me like a train but in a good way.


Mar 8, 2023
The sun and the warmth is back after some grey days. And it's not just daytime; I always forget how nice spring evenings are. Also I'm pretty sure I saw a bat.
Took an incredible photograph today of a juvenile male mayfly and his seven eyes. Male mayflies got eyes on their eyes
Mar 20, 2023
Gender-fluid (she/he pronouns)
What made me happy today was getting started on reading this book ("The devil's due, A Sherlock Holmes adventure book 3" by Bonnie Macbird):


"After Art in the Blood and Unquiet Spirits, Holmes and Watson are back in the third of Bonnie MacBird’s critically acclaimed Sherlock Holmes Adventures, written in the tradition of Conan Doyle himself.

It’s 1890 and the newly famous Sherlock Holmes faces his worst adversary to date – a diabolical villain bent on destroying some of London’s most admired public figures in particularly gruesome ways. A further puzzle is that suicide closely attends each of the murders. As he tracks the killer through vast and seething London, Holmes finds himself battling both an envious Scotland Yard and a critical press as he follows a complex trail from performers to princes, anarchists to aesthetes. But when his brother Mycroft disappears, apparently the victim of murder, even those loyal to Holmes begin to wonder how close to the flames he has travelled. Has Sherlock Holmes himself made a deal with the devil?"

This makes me happy. There's nothing like sitting down on the couch with a blanket and reading a good Sherlock Holmes novel. I'm reading this one for a reading challenge (I'm participating in a reading challenge on some website I'm a member of). I'm reading 3 books every month for a grand total of 36 books over the year. And I'm on my third book for the month of April.

I started reading the first chapter of "The devil's due" and I was hooked from the beginning (it's often the case when I'm reading a Sherlock Holmes novel). I had already read the first two installments ("Art in the blood" and "Unquiet spirits: Whisky, ghosts, murder") and now I'm reading the third one ("The devil's due"). There's a fourth one entitled "The three locks" and a fifth one entitled "What child is this?" which I put on my reading list. I have all five of them on my personal bookshelf. They're all by the same author, Bonnie Macbird. She's always been a huge fan of Sherlock. She read all 60 original Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan-Doyle when she was only 10 and she wrote her own Sherlock Holmes series.

Those interviews with author Bonnie Macbird made me want to read the whole series:


When I'm reading Sherlock Holmes novels, I love having this ambience in the background:


This book put a smile on my face today...

A shout-out to my fellow Holmesians.

I wish you all ZD folks a nice evening.

Take care,


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