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What Made You Happy Today?


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
My dad's aunt came to visit us today. She has down syndrome and usually lives in a group home, so she was excited when we told her she wasn't going back there until New Years. Little does she know that she's actually staying with my grandpa, who just bought a house and has a whole room for her. They just left "for a ride" with her saying "I'll be back! Wait for me, I'll be right back!" She's gonna be so excited once she figures out where she's actually staying.


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Champion
Getting presents for christmas is fun but I also had such an awesome time watching my family open the presents I got for them.
I was so happy when my lil brother came out of the bedroom and saw the big mario plush I got him and he just smiled so hard and all day he played with him and kept saying how much he 'loved mario plushie' <3
And it makes me so happy to know they like the presents I picked out, like the pokemon cards and animal crossing figures I got for my sis, and the zelda wallet I got for my mom. I think really hard about what I want to get for them and if they'd like it or not, and knowing they did makes my day so much better


Staff member
ZD Champion
one of my friends called me bestie today

I know it might sound a bit stupid but they're usually very cold and inexpressive, if anything they often express their feelings by being pretty mean sometimes, so they had never said anything remotely like that to me and it just felt like a miracle coming from them

I'm not sure if they meant it or if they just kinda said it because they thought it was funny but I hope it was the former I really really really really do

it's been a pretty bad day but this made it all a lot more bearable

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