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What Made You Happy Today?


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
I finally got my feet wet on a NASCAR game I've been looking at for a while, it's super open source/moddable so I'll play with those eventually, and I started with paint scheme design, something else I've been wanting to do for a while.
(I did this for my brother on a thing we're doing, don't worry, Chevrolet schemes are coming)

accio boomerang

you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?
Feb 22, 2021
I bought pre-sale tickets for the new Thor movie that comes out next month.
Nov 30, 2021
My grandpa gave me an old slow laptop yesterday and said maybe I could do something with it. Apparantely installing Linux Mint on low end laptops helps speed them up, and it worked. It used to take like 20 seconds to open a web browser, but now I can open Firefox very quickly. Gonna try and install steam and see if it can run old games like Portal or Team Fortress 2.
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Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
AYO GUYS guess who just graduated?!? :party::party::party:
I managed to get through the literal ENTIRE CEREMONY perfectly chill, not crying. But when it ended my best friend came out sobbing and it rubbed off on me a tiny bit heh. It was a really great ceremony and I'm really happy with how it all went.

Btw, remember how I mentioned I got 2 awards from my school (top 10 graduating seniors and excellence in trade)? I got 2 check rewards for those... $350. I have a friend selling the full Demon Slayer series and I will be purchasing it VERY soon.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
AYO GUYS guess who just graduated?!? :party::party::party:
I managed to get through the literal ENTIRE CEREMONY perfectly chill, not crying. But when it ended my best friend came out sobbing and it rubbed off on me a tiny bit heh. It was a really great ceremony and I'm really happy with how it all went.

Btw, remember how I mentioned I got 2 awards from my school (top 10 graduating seniors and excellence in trade)? I got 2 check rewards for those... $350. I have a friend selling the full Demon Slayer series and I will be purchasing it VERY soon.
Class of 2022 rise up :cool::cool::cool:

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