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What is your unpopular Zelda opinion?

This is meant to be a fun discussion thread about unpopular opinions you may have about the Zelda series. For example, I don’t love Ocarina of Time as much as most and I think that almost every Zelda title that succeeded it is a better game in most ways. I think that the gameplay and story are rather lackluster when you compare it with successors like Wind Waker or Majora's Mask. But that’s just my take on it. So, what are your unpopular Zelda opinions?


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
-same, ocarina of time is a great game but every 3d zelda that has came out since has just been a better experience
-I like minish cap and link's awakening more than link to the past
-zelda 2 is more fun to play than zelda 1
-thinking about it, the water temple is probably one of the better water dungeons out there, there's far worse ones

at this point I realized the thread was only asking for one opinion, so....I'll stick by the 2nd one


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
Aug 31, 2019
~ Phantom Hourglass & Spirit tracks are enjoyable games.

~ There's nothing wrong with Skywards Sword's controls, it's a fun game

~ The horses in BOTW aren't very useful, it's more convenient to warp & glide than it is to dismount, call your horse, wait for it to arrive, remount, travel for 30 seconds & dismount again while you go exploring. (fun for moseying around, impractical for actual exploration)

The cutscenes in BOTW are cool & the voice actors did a good job with it.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
-FA, FSA and TFH are the very worst canon games Zelda has to offer.
-Midna is best companion.

Those games seem pretty disliked. Never heard anyone say those were faves.

And midna is the most popular companion for sure. There was even a bring midna back campaign. Never saw one for fi, Navi or any of the others.

Anyway my unpopular opinion is that BoTW is a mediocre game. It's very popular but I'd liken it to most marvel movies, also popular but definitely not the finest offering out there when you really think about it.

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