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What is Your Mood at the Moment?


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Kinda depressed again. I just feel unwanted by a certain person and I don't know why. I have a ton of respect for this person and I try to have fun and talk with him but he doesn't really seem to have any interest of being friends with me. In a way I look up to him but I just don't know if i should.

That's life, move on. Not everyone is going to be compatible with one another, you may wish to be friends but she might not, you'll have to respect her decision. I find it a little backwards that you don't hold respect for someone just because that don't wish to be your friend. I myself respect quite a few people I dislike, they may be an asshole in some ways but their other traits can be damn respectable.


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male

My mood is the same as this spider's mood.


Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
I'm actually not doing too great. I'm starting college soon, but that's literally all my parents will tell me about it as they set everything up over my head. I also haven't roleplayed in weeks, I've run out of people I feel comfortable RPing with. I've cried more in the past few days than I have in months, and I'm just curled up in bed while life passes on around me. Might be the beginning of depression, might be an existential crisis, might just be me overreacting to easily-fixable problems. But I sure as heck don't feel happy.

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