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What is Your Favorite Zelda Item?


Don Gero's Apprentice
Apr 5, 2012
Mountain Village
My favorite is probably the multitude of masks that you collect in MM. Different abilities that come in handy absolutely everywhere. Especially the Bunny Hood. Favorite hat of all time! Double claw shot is really close though too.


The incomparable legend
Dec 19, 2011
Temple of Light
Mine would have to be just plain ole normal "Bombs" There in every Zelda game and are a necessity to beat the games and hey they can blow stuff up, and that's good enough for me.


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
Double clawshots and the bow from SS.
Plus the Bow and silver arrows from ALttP. Once you get the silver arrows, you feel like a tank.
Apr 10, 2012
I love the beetle and the bow and arrow. Both had their uses, but I loved using the bow to wipe out enimies on the sand ship and the escort mission in SS was awesome and especially in TP.
Apr 6, 2012
First of all Im gonna do top 5 swords
5) Kokori Sword
4) Master Sword- WindWaker
3) Master Sword- Skyward Sword
2) Master Sword- Ocarina of Time
1) Master Sword- Twilight Princess

Top 5 Items
5) Double Clawshots
4) Gale Boomerang
3) Mirror Shield- Both OOT and WindWaker
2) Roc's Cape- Minish Cap
1) Bow- OoT



The game is on!
Before, I used to like items such as Hookshot, Clawshot, Grappling Hook and Whip the most. However, ones I had come a couple of hours into Skyward Sword I had a brand new favourite item: The Beetle! I just love all of the functions of the Beetle, and the fact that you can get it upgraded three times in the game. It was definitely the item I used the most in Skyward Sword, and it was very helpful indeed!


The Joker

<span style="text-shadow:2px 2px 4px Purpl
Nov 24, 2011
At Amusement Mile
Wow, that's a good question...some of my favorites are the Double Clawshots, the Lens of Truth, the Boomerang, the Bow, and the Lantern but my all time favorite has got to be the gear in Twilight Princess; I LOVE the use of it in the Boss battle with that one.


The longshot it's my favorite item, imagine all the things you could you had one in real life ^^

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