I've been watching a lot of the Studio Ghibli movies again, so the first thing that comes to mind right now is basically the entirety of Grave of the Fireflies. There is a certain moment that always gets me, but I don't want to spoil the film for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.
I effing love you... Is that odd? [noparse]

Anyway, couldn't agree more. That part at the end where the little girl hallucinated from starvation, and she started to consume the marbles, because they reminded her of a memento from her mother, all the while her brother, her only caretaker, was out scrapping for food amid a war-torn Japan....
It was really sad to see that his efforts were in vain, and she had died. Her brother held a small funeral for her and her body was incinerated in the end. It was especially sad when I found out that it was based on a true story. It really made me look at the world and war in a different, darker light. Not only that, but it actually made me [ME] cry... In fact, I burst into tears.