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Ocarina of Time What is the Hardest Boss in Oot for You?


Prince of the Zoras
Apr 26, 2010
Florida; U.S.A
Phantom Ganon for sure. His first stage wasn't to hard, but the second one was just so dang annoying! The rest of the boosses were to easy. King D'Dongo was the easiest.


Happy Mask Salesgirl
Jul 2, 2010
Ikana Canyon
Agreed! Morpha completely owned me every time!

With Phantom Ganon I found it hard to hit him with the arrows when he was coming out of the paintings, and then I usually end up running out of arrows... =/


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
Twinrova was kind of hard the very first few times, but not so much after that. The hardest boss, in my opinion, would have to be Bongo Bongo. I think that every time I come across this boss I have a little bit of trouble. It's hard to have a lot of trouble in a game you breeze through so many times, but if any of them are anywhere near hard at all, it's definitely Bongo Bongo.
Jul 17, 2010
Phantom Ganon. Whenever Phantom reveal himself in two painting that aren't close to each other, I aim at one. If I'm aim at the wrong one, I quickly put my arrows away and avoid his lightning because I don't think it's worth you life to go the other painting plus my aiming on the arrows are not that good.


Phantom Ganon, and the Water Temple boss can be a tiny bit annoying.


Jan 27, 2010
South Central United States
Ganondorf and Bongo Bongo were really hard for me. Ganondorf becasue the stupid tiles kept falling and the fact that I kept running out of arrows. Also the fact that you had a limited amount of time in order to hit him with a light arrow. Bongo Bongo because it was so hard for me to take out the Eye of Truth, then get out arrows, and THEN hit him before he hit me. But of course, that was before I knew you could hit him with a spin attack. >.>
Aug 10, 2010
In the Temple of Seasons
I found morpha, phantom ganon and bongo bongo to be extremely easy by total accident i trapped morpha in the corner phantom gannon was just lame and bongo bongo was alright but still easy. well actually bongo bongo did give me a challenge the first few times and i was extremely frusturated then i got my brother to show him how hard this boss was and i beat him without taking any damage


Volvogia. The first time I fought him I won...with 1/4th of a heart left! It was epic.
Jul 29, 2010
Cincinnati Ohio
Bongo Bongo for me. It was hella annoying when I'd take out my arrows or hookshot (I can't remember which one) and I'd start bouncing and it would exit out to 3rd person view again and every time I went to 1st person view, he'd hit the drum again and I'd start bouncing. VERY annoying. It was also the only boss I died in.

lol thats why you wear the hover boots so his drum doesnt affect you.


Jul 26, 2010
Twinrova's first form because I hated the Fire-Ice Ice-Fire thing. Uggh. That was the only boos I died in on the first time.


Aug 4, 2010
Well I was recently trying to go through Oot without dying a single time, it failed once I got to Bongo Bongo, as he killed me three times in a row. So in my opinion hes by far the most difficult. Ganondorf also can be a bit tricky...

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