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What is/are your favorite holiday(s)?


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
My birthday- Not technically a holiday but it should be.

Halloween- I don't dress up or anything but I do carve a pumpkin every year which is something I look forward to. I've already decided what kind of design I am going to do for this Halloween.

Christmas- My favorite of all. What is there not to like. It takes place during the best season of the year. Winter. A white Christmas is the most magical of all but unfortunately we haven't had one of those in a while.

I love decorating and coming home to the Christmas tree, the lights and the tinsel. It just creates a wonderful atmosphere and it brings out my excitement.

Food is a big part of christmas too. I love cooking for christmas eve or going out for a meal and then on the day itself having a traditional home roast. Goose is my favorite. That's what we will be having this year.


Believe it or not, Valentines day. I am a hopeless romantic and hearts and gigantic teddybears and chocolate boxes... ahh, I love it.


Innocent but not fearful.
Jul 27, 2012
Canada, eh
Halloween, because I have no self control when it comes to chocolate, and Christmas, because I love all the traditional aspects and just spending time with friends and family.


Secretly a cat
Oct 8, 2016
It has to be christmas, I love putting all the planning into peoples gifts and its the only time of year I see certain members of my family. I love the songs and the decorations and the general atmosphere of that time of year.

Halloween was never celebrated in my house because my mum believed it was some silly American holiday that encouraged begging but I'm actually doing the dressing up and going to a party this year and I'm super excited.


I'm the B and my boyfriend is the T in LGBT ❤
Aug 2, 2016
Ciel's House
I mean, I would say Valentines day but they've been lonely so far so probably Halloween cuz I get to **** with people :'3
Oct 2, 2016
My favorite holiday is Christmas because of the time I get to spend with family and friends. I would put Thanksgiving just right behind it.

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