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What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
Recently had a bit of a Sonic phase after playing Sunset Overdrive (which was really good but could benefit from co-op) and went back and got a perfect gamerscore on Sonic Generations which was a lot easier than I originally thought and passed Sonic Adventure on Xbox 360. Before that though, I had played through Dead Space 2 twice and I'm currently going to start my third playthrough on Zealot difficulty.
Dec 16, 2014
Milwaukee WI
half centaur
Rise of the Tomb Raider on Ultra @ 1440P nom nom nom.

DX12 patch came out recently too but it's all wonky so I'm playing a previous build.
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Apr 26, 2012
sonic the hedgehog 06
superman 64

Im playing the worst games of all time to see if they really are just that. I confirm Superman 64.


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
sonic the hedgehog 06
superman 64

Im playing the worst games of all time to see if they really are just that. I confirm Superman 64.

You should also add the NES title Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde to your nightmare list.

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Down for maintenance.
Apr 26, 2012
oh my god I just saw a Youtube review of the ET game. Nervous breakdown just watching it.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
My current gaming agenda? Um, okay, here it goes! >_>;;

Xbox 1
Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: Best game of last year? I personally don't think so. The controls feel stiff indoors and even in fights and the world is notably barren, but...it's an extremely appealing adventure. Fighting the Griffin made me feel like I was a part of an actual hunt; definitely the highlight so far. That aside, there's still so much to do and I can't wait to see what it leads up to, story-wise. Just some minor points that hold me back from joining the hype train of yesteryear.

Playstation 4
1. Tales of Zestiria: Well Tales, I see you still haven't learned to let me free roam without holding down a button. But the arena style combat is still quite nice, with new skills and abilities learned after a number of fights. The theme of the messianic Shepherd, albeit generic, is also a refreshing take on the Arthurian legend. I like the concept of the coexistence of seraphs (invisible beings) and humans (corporeal beings) and their fight against creatures brought on by malevolence (evil thoughts).
2. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain: So Snake can basically sneak into an enemy base, knock a patrolman out, and parachute him into the sky to join his own personal research/development team, just so that he can continue to be a one man army? Hideo Kojima, I love the way you think. From one master troll to another, mad respect man. Going open world was the best last hurrah you could give for this stellar franchise. RIP.

Wii U
1. Splatoon: Leveling up takes forever. It sucks.
2. Xenoblade Chronicles X: Leveling up takes less time, and is more fun. It's great. In all seriousness, I'm already on my second playthrough and am having way more fun since I have a clearer idea of what to do early on. If you're a fan of Zelda and own a Wii U, then buy this game.

You should also add the NES title Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde to your nightmare list.

AVGN for the win.

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