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What drew you to the Zelda Franchise

Azure Sage

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I picked up Phantom Hourglass on a whim when I was 13. I guess what drew me to it was the sailing on a ship theme. I was really into Pirates of the Caribbean back then, so that probably influenced my decision, lol. But Looking at the box, I got interested by the adventure aspects and the dungeons. It looked like fun, so I wanted to try it, and I'm really glad that I did. I think what really did it for me what the adventure themes and the exploration. That's still one of my utmost favorite things about the Zelda series.


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
More or less the hype the series has gotten. So many top 10 game lists always had ocarina of time at the top so naturally I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Needless to say I wasn't disappointed.
Feb 23, 2011
My first Zelda game ever was A Link to the Past, and I loved it. It wasn't until like eight years later (give or take) until I played Majora's Mask. My brother told me about Ocarina of Time, which I originally didn't even know existed, and that hyped me up into buying it, as well. It wasn't AS great as he said it'd be, but I found it spectacular, nonetheless. From then on, I wanted to try and play every game in the series. Above all else, however, I just want a good old-fashioned adventure replete with collectibles, settings, and interesting characters, and the Zelda series just works for me. It's one of few games of its kind, in my opinion, and that's what drew me in and keeps me interested. Not as big of a fan as I once was, though, but c'est la vie.


The Ultimate Nerd.
Jan 16, 2015
Monett Missouri
I used to watch two of my older sisters (I have ten) play OoT and TP. Then I decided I wanted to play, but then one my younger of the older sisters told me I wasn't aloud. So a few years later, I bought my own TP.
Jan 30, 2015
Honestly, I received Twilight Princess as a birthday gift. It was the first Zelda game I had ever played, and because it was my first, I needed a lot of help. I found this website whilst searching for help through the dungeons. Then I finish TP and was like "Damn, I wish that wasn't over" and took to the internet to find more games. I guess you could say I was hooked.


Every experience can be a lesson - or a curse.
Mar 1, 2015
My first was OOT on an N64 when I was way little... I loved it so much, I've been hooked since but I've only played through that and PH & TP, haven't owned any of the others but I played the 3DS game and SS.

My favorite will always OOT! <3

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