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What Color is Your 3ds?


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
Am i the only one here that waited till ALBW came out to get their 3DS, guess thats just how i am, i usually get systems at least a year and a half after they come out, that way a got a TON of games to choose from.

On topic; I got the Gold and Black 3DS XL with the Triforce on it, the one that came with the ALBW download!


Wild Card
Jun 14, 2010
Got good ol' Aqua Blue. C:
Although maybe by the end of this year I'll upgrade to an XL, as my baby's getting old and the triggers are starting to get really iffy.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Legend
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
Am i the only one here that waited till ALBW came out to get their 3DS, guess thats just how i am, i usually get systems at least a year and a half after they come out, that way a got a TON of games to choose from.

On topic; I got the Gold and Black 3DS XL with the Triforce on it, the one that came with the ALBW download!

did you not read what i just said a few comments ago


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Legend
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
my bad dude, i guess i thought there was only one page to the thread, after it posted i looked up and seen you said that, so it seems you and I are the only ones with it. was that OoT3D 3Ds the same color?

no it was black w/ gold designs,which personally to me looks kinda cooler than ours,but ours is that full on gold so its all good
Oct 16, 2011
I went through a fierce mental battle to avoid trading mine in for an XL. I normally would've done it in a heartbeat, because the XL actually seems like a huge improvement over the vanilla 3DS. However, my first 3DS has been the one I've stuck with, just because it's that awesome Zelda themed one that came with Ocarina 3D. It's black, and has the ocarina from OoT and the harp from SS embedded in it, so I just couldn't give something like that up, even if it was for such an appealing alternative. I don't think I'll ever be able to part ways with it, actually.

I have that one too but I love it too much to think about any other. Actually I [refer the smaller one. It can be a bit small in the hands but its still a good ratio. Supprised it took 22 posts to get to one of this kind here.

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