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What Are You Doing In Zelda?


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
I apparently knew nothing about PH, because I didn't realize when I started it that it was completely touch screen controlled. Also, I want to find whoever thought up repeating timed stealth quests and smack them. And what's the only thing worse that repeating timed stealth quests? Repeating timed stealth quests with floors that make NOISE when you walk quickly! That COMPLETELY undermines the "timed" and the "stealth" part! But other than that, pretty good game I am greatly enjoying it.
Jan 11, 2021
My personal totok record is 14 seconds out of the hourglass
People who master the Temple of the Ocean King are the only people who I consider to be true Zelda fans. The mental fortitude to redo that dungeon (even though it is one of my favorites in the series) is impressive as hell.

Right now I'm replaying Oracle of Ages and considering if I like it more than Breath of the Wild because wow is the game good.


Spoonman, come together with your hands, save meee
Apr 12, 2021
In your head, in your head. Zombie zombie zombie.
People who master the Temple of the Ocean King are the only people who I consider to be true Zelda fans. The mental fortitude to redo that dungeon (even though it is one of my favorites in the series) is impressive as hell.
So I'm not a Zelda fan if I don't like PH, and my copy glitched so I can't move on in the game?
That's very unfair. I love Zelda and have played many of the games. Just because I haven't played a certain part of one doesn't make me less of a Zelda Fan.
Jan 11, 2021
So I'm not a Zelda fan if I don't like PH, and my copy glitched so I can't move on in the game?
I was kidding, anyone who plays Zelda games is a Zelda fan. Sorry about your PH copy!

I just landed on Crescent Island. Gotta go find my stuff.


Spoonman, come together with your hands, save meee
Apr 12, 2021
In your head, in your head. Zombie zombie zombie.
I was kidding, anyone who plays Zelda games is a Zelda fan. Sorry about your PH copy!
OK. Sorry. Eh, it's all right, the touch controls threw me off.
RN, in Zelda, I'm on my third playthrough of BotW. It'd be nice to replay OoT. I recently quit Master Quest because I just couldn't do it. I got stuck on Inside Jabu Jabu. It was tres énervant. The flipped world made it really hard.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Testing stuff in Twilight Princess for research. It's been two years since I've played it, so going back to it took a brief adjustment. I figured it would be the case, but I had to confirm for myself that the Ordon Sword cannot be used to harm Ganondorf. In the first phase it will not deflect the lightning orbs. I didn't test it in the dark beast or horseback phases. In the final duel it will not harm him at all, and if you equip it after he is knocked on the ground, which normally prompts the finishing blow, the prompt doesn't show up.

Some other thoughts, the Dark Beast portion drags on too long honestly, something I may have overlooked a lot in the past but I really noticed it in this brief run through of the overall final battle. I used to be really good at the horseback portion; I'm sad to report that I have gotten very rusty at it...

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Some other thoughts, the Dark Beast portion drags on too long honestly, something I may have overlooked a lot in the past but I really noticed it in this brief run through of the overall final battle. I used to be really good at the horseback portion; I'm sad to report that I have gotten very rusty at it...
well if you're familiar with the speedrun (I wouldn't be surprised if you are) you'll know that the entire fight length is determined by RNG, so it's possible in the past you've had great patterns, whereas this time around you had to wait a lot longer


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
I'm still doing my no maps/teleportation challenge in BotW, but I need to get back to PH. I enjoy the game, love the characters, dungeons, plot, mechanics, heck I even love the touch screen controls. But the dumb Ocean King Temple sections are really getting to me. I got to floor 11 with 2 minutes left, and by that point I was so stressed out I had to quit the game. I really want to play it, I'm just having the problem I had with the SS silent realm sections where I dread playing the game. But I beat SS, and I fully intend to beat PH as well!
Jun 28, 2020
I've started MM on Wii U and am having a blast playing it with a GC controller (Wiimote Classic Controller adapter). I wish there was a controller with 6 face buttons to nicely play both modern and N64 games.
Jul 24, 2011
I'm close to beating Age of Calamity. I'm also replaying OOT 3D. I lost my original copy and got a new one a few years ago, but I hadn't beaten it in the new one.

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