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What Are You Doing In Zelda?


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Still playing HW Switch. So far Link, Yuga, Volga and Ghirahim are all leveled up to the max. I cleared 2 maps completely and by this I mean I also cleared it from all barriers and all item cards. Now I'm working on Agitha. She's level 130 now so I still got some work to do :P
Still playing HW Switch. So far Link, Yuga, Volga and Ghirahim are all leveled up to the max. I cleared 2 maps completely and by this I mean I also cleared it from all barriers and all item cards. Now I'm working on Agitha. She's level 130 now so I still got some work to do :P

:eek: bloody hell.

I've played that game loads and my highest is lv92.

Whats your secret?


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
:eek: bloody hell.

I've played that game loads and my highest is lv92.

Whats your secret?
My best friend is the playing the Divided enemy quest. Especially the Ganondorf one at the Twilight Map. It only takes about 2 or 3 minutes to beat the enemies. There are 3 dark Ganondorfs. Just beat one till he divides and then go to the next one and beat him till he divides. Then leave him also and attack the third one. All other Ganondorfs will follow you and you have to fight off a whole gang of them. Gaining you one level up if you time it right. And if you don't level up right away you can use training dojo to level your warrior up one level for a much lower amount of rupees. And because this mission is relative short you can level your character up a lot in an hour or so. This is especially a good mission for warriors like Ghirahim who have one great combo to take out many enemies at ones by using the platform in the air combo ;)

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I completed Ocarina of Time 3D: Master Quest Monday evening! It had been so long since I played it I kind of forget a lot about this version of the game. It was a laid back playthrough completed in 18 hours. I didn't get the 4th bottle, all the Skulltulas, and I'm missing a few Pieces of Heart, so I'll come back to it later.

In the meantime, earlier this month Andy fired up Tri-Force Heroes, which meant it was time for me to fulfill my end of the deal. I dusted off Skyward Sword and started to play it. I left off in the entrance of Skyview Temple...

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