I have an obsessive-compulsive fear of germs, which had been very severe, but I've made remarkable progress through Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. I could talk about that for hours, but I'll spare you the fun. ^^
I'm also terrified of Like-Likes, for an unknown reason, particularly the Ocarina of Time ones; it's something with the way they move and try to inhale you -- other than that, I'm not entirely sure. The worst example is from the Beneath the Well mini-dungeon:
I'm just walking casually by, not noticing that the wall to the left of me is in fact a grate, and not a wall; I can't see it because my camera is not facing that way. Unbeknownst to me, there is a Like-Like behind that grate. So, I'm walking by, and Link starts to slide towards the left for some reason. I rotate the camera, and there is a Like-Like sucking at me from the other side of the grate, pulling me towards it, and it's covering up about the entire screen. I try everything I can to kill it and make it stop, but nothing I have can hit it, because it's protected by the grate, so I can't stop it. And it's the sucking motion that scares me in particular. After pushing the analog stick as hard as I can, I make it away after a few seconds.
Ever since that, I've been terrified by Like-Likes. That is probably the origin.
Also, I'm kind of creeped out by slugs and snails. Maybe it's just slimy, flaccid things, then. :yuck: