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What Annoyed You Today?

Lord Vain

Dawn of a New Day
Nov 29, 2011
What annoyed me is the fact that some people are apparently unable to mature and stuff as they get older, like really, a lot of people are able to look back and work on improving themselves to become better people in the long run but for whatever reason there are some who just can't do this and as such remain the same and get nowhere.
Aug 18, 2009
What annoyed me is the fact that some people are apparently unable to mature and stuff as they get older, like really, a lot of people are able to look back and work on improving themselves to become better people in the long run but for whatever reason there are some who just can't do this and as such remain the same and get nowhere.

You speaking about yourself then?

Lord Vain

Dawn of a New Day
Nov 29, 2011
You speaking about yourself then?

Nah, you give me too much credit, I'm just here to kill your fun.



Finding Love by the Moon
May 28, 2012
Macy, Indiana
People keep using every thing to fight with each other on here. Can we all act our age instead of arguing like 5 year-olds over a piece of candy?


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
What really annoyed me yesterday was that I had to present along side my teammates our project about how dendrites affect the current generation of engineers and propose an idea on how universities can assist in the problems that engineers usually face in their work areas. As an introvert, I really dislike speaking to someone that I have never met so it was no wonder that I was nervous and petrified on the idea that me and my teammates had to present in front of the entire university. To make matters even worse, my teammates are also introverts and thus were also nervous on how to present our project. Thankfully, we excelled at illustrating the current case that we are facing as engineers when it comes to ethics and communication skills.

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