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What Annoyed You Today?

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
It's neither necessary nor unnecessary, it's just me posting in a thread. If they're hurt, that is not my problem, I can post what I want. Also, if they're hurt, maybe they should be because obviously, if they're hurt, they believe what I am saying.

Yes, it's you posting in a thread. The problem is that it was you posting in a thread as a complaint about somebody who is already troubled. It's not the place for that. Take it to a pm if you want. The point is that complaining in a public place about a member just because of something they said (or lack thereof) is bound to cause a stir-up.

EDIT: My apologies, Curm. You ninja'd me.


Feb 14, 2014
Yes, it's you posting in a thread. The problem is that it was you posting in a thread as a complaint about somebody who is already troubled. It's not the place for that. Take it to a pm if you want. The point is that complaining in a public place about a member just because of something they said (or lack thereof) is bound to cause a stir-up.

I don't want to argue. But you aren't the one to decide what discussions can and cannot take place here. The moderators are. If it causes a stir-up, it's not because of me, it's because of others who reacted instead of responding. And no one has done that yet, which is good. And I want to keep it that way because Curm doesn't want us to argue, so I won't post about it anymore.


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
Me leaving for one day and finding out that people have been arguing while I was gone. I was hoping that for one day that everybody could be happy:(

On another note: the smell of beer, fried food, cigarette smoke, and automobiles made me feel like I was going to puke today. This is why going to visit the city on St. Patrick's Day weekend is a terrible idea.
Feb 23, 2011
Ugh. ALL of this anime's character designs have aniridia and smudged noses. How can they even see? Are these physical traits the result of an underlying medical condition? I mean, come on, Okubo Atsushi. Geez.

Lord Vain

Dawn of a New Day
Nov 29, 2011
My parents are some of the most ignorant and controlling people I have ever met in my entire existence, and it's honestly people like them who have helped make me grow a hatred towards humanity.


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
New pants. They were comfy in the house but, man, after hours of walking around in them?... If only walking around in your underwear was accepted in modern society. :( Topshop hates me having circulation in my legs.

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