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What Annoyed You Today?


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Family assume i wanna do the grand national betting every year never actually ask me!! Then they guilt me to do it...
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Being upset by the way people respond to representation in media is not the same as being upset that the representation exists. As someone who is underrepresented in media I wouldn't mind seeing more acknowledgement that people like me exist, but not if it means people are gonna be creepy about the fact people like me exist. I'm still me before I'm any label and if anyone sees a person for their label before they see them as a person, then they're part of the problem. Tired of people putting words in my mouth because they just want to opportunistically advertise how fake accepting they are while actually being bigots.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
I went to the movies with with my best friend and her little sister. My friend went to buy tickets and the guy goes "one adult and 2 kids?"


Sobs in short person
Well, one silver lining is that you can abuse that to get into places way cheaper.

Or, you can be me, 6 foot tall, bearded, long haired man with a deep baritone, I get no discounts whatsoever, so I have to pay full price, lol.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
Well, one silver lining is that you can abuse that to get into places way cheaper.

Or, you can be me, 6 foot tall, bearded, long haired man with a deep baritone, I get no discounts whatsoever, so I have to pay full price, lol.
We totally could've gotten it cheaper, but my friend looked at my face which was a solid :ananger: and decided to go with the safer "...uh 2 adults 1 child" answer XD
I do completely abuse it when it comes to getting kids meals at restaurants though.


Triforce Champion
May 14, 2022
New Mauville
We totally could've gotten it cheaper, but my friend looked at my face which was a solid :ananger: and decided to go with the safer "...uh 2 adults 1 child" answer XD
I do completely abuse it when it comes to getting kids meals at restaurants though.
I miss being a kid at IHOP… I don’t even like the kids meals as much. I’m just trying to avoid being an old kid. :kawaii:
Computer bluescreened... based on the event logs, it was caused by something with the wifi but I'm just so overwhelmed. Apparently there have been warnings about this for the past several months (maybe longer than that, I didn't scroll THAT far cuz nerves) and has never caused a blue screen before and I'm just not in the mood to figure this out right now.

I just want my stuff to work....


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Im a leftie but play music with a right handed instrument. As a result I'm not a pure leftie anymore, I'm amphidextrous like most lefties. Everything is made for right handed people so you have to adept in certain situations.
Im leftie!! Alotta adapting going on...

Btw its ambidextrous.... i think amphidextrous is kinda fishy....

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