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What Annoyed You Today?

Azure Sage

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Woke up this morning and accidentally tore the strap on my sleep mask off. It was already fraying, but that's still annoying. I had to order a new one. Hopefully it'll be one that doesn't fall off in my sleep. It's become very hard to fall asleep without one on anymore. I really like having that light blocker and pressure over my eyes.


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Champion
I'm so overwhelmed, I was trying to study my notes and go back to lessons to do the final exam for my biology for the first semester and I needed to do the dishes and my lil brother wouldn't stop trying to roughhouse with me but I'm sore so I kept pushing him away and telling him to stop but he wouldn't stop so I just stood up and decided to go do the dishes but when I stood up I just felt so overwhelmed with everything and I started to choke up because I don't want to fail. aashrgfdsafafadsd

The whole last month was taken from me and I'm so behind in everything, I'm only just finishing up biology but I have like 4 other courses I need to get done and in english I need to write stuff about animal farm, and then read the next book and also write a bunch of stuff about that and all the english lessons, I'm not even over 20% done with world history, it's only at 17% but I'm supposed to be in the second semester already and


why I"m so behind in world history I get so stressed and I start tearing up because I wanted online school to go well but all it's done iss give me stress on top of what I'm already dealing with, I helped pay for online school, I took hundreds out of my savings so we could afford it but now it's only giving me stress, I feel so guilty because I'm supposed to be working but I procrastinate all the time and

only 17%

the principal extended the time to early march but I lost the whole month of february so it was pointless, that was the month I was supposed to work really really hard because every day I'm losing time in the second semester because i"m still in the first semester because I can't keep up a stupid pace because I'm working at home with my chromebook and i do everything with my chromebook so it's so easy to get distracted and procrastinate for hours and lose so much time to stupid pointless ****

I want to do well in school, I am, but I take so many notes because i want to get everything right, I don't want to fail but then lessons take longer and now I don't even know if I have the time to take the kind of notes I used to and what if I go throgh it fast and don't remember anything, that's the whole point of school right to learn but half of this stuff, do I even need to know any of it, stupid pointless needless stress over information I don't even need and **** what's the point

I'm such a failure, I feel so guilty because I have a math and an english teacher and I"m the student whose so behind in both of those, it's like I abandoned them because I've just been focusing on getting biology over with but now it's so late and there's so much to do

my mind won't stop racing I'm rambling

i was crying doing the dishes

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I'm so overwhelmed, I was trying to study my notes and go back to lessons to do the final exam for my biology for the first semester and I needed to do the dishes and my lil brother wouldn't stop trying to roughhouse with me but I'm sore so I kept pushing him away and telling him to stop but he wouldn't stop so I just stood up and decided to go do the dishes but when I stood up I just felt so overwhelmed with everything and I started to choke up because I don't want to fail. aashrgfdsafafadsd

The whole last month was taken from me and I'm so behind in everything, I'm only just finishing up biology but I have like 4 other courses I need to get done and in english I need to write stuff about animal farm, and then read the next book and also write a bunch of stuff about that and all the english lessons, I'm not even over 20% done with world history, it's only at 17% but I'm supposed to be in the second semester already and


why I"m so behind in world history I get so stressed and I start tearing up because I wanted online school to go well but all it's done iss give me stress on top of what I'm already dealing with, I helped pay for online school, I took hundreds out of my savings so we could afford it but now it's only giving me stress, I feel so guilty because I'm supposed to be working but I procrastinate all the time and

only 17%

the principal extended the time to early march but I lost the whole month of february so it was pointless, that was the month I was supposed to work really really hard because every day I'm losing time in the second semester because i"m still in the first semester because I can't keep up a stupid pace because I'm working at home with my chromebook and i do everything with my chromebook so it's so easy to get distracted and procrastinate for hours and lose so much time to stupid pointless ****

I want to do well in school, I am, but I take so many notes because i want to get everything right, I don't want to fail but then lessons take longer and now I don't even know if I have the time to take the kind of notes I used to and what if I go throgh it fast and don't remember anything, that's the whole point of school right to learn but half of this stuff, do I even need to know any of it, stupid pointless needless stress over information I don't even need and **** what's the point

I'm such a failure, I feel so guilty because I have a math and an english teacher and I"m the student whose so behind in both of those, it's like I abandoned them because I've just been focusing on getting biology over with but now it's so late and there's so much to do

my mind won't stop racing I'm rambling

i was crying doing the dishes

I haven't been in this exact situation, but I was in a somewhat similar one in high school. I missed so many days of school that I was always playing catch up in classes. And my AP US history class in particular had me so stressed and overwhelmed that I absolutely dreaded going to that class every day (was the last one of the day for me). The tests were already hard because it was an AP class. But missing so many days meant that I basically couldn't pass any of the tests. It especially sucked because I absolutely loved the teacher and he was so good at teaching. I would have loved the class if I were just able to listen to him teach and not have to worry about taking notes and doing assignments/tests. But since those were the main parts I had so much anxiety during that time due to that class. And I would also feel guilty like you do.

But now, being about 12 years since that, my advice is just to take a breather and try not to stress too much. Do what you can, when you can but don't let it overwhelm you. It's so easy to let it feel like that is taking over your life and it will really start to eat at you. But just do your best, and that will be good enough. You don't have to absolutely ace everything or be the best student. In the end, you'll be the only person who remembers your performance anyways. The teachers have so many students that they won't remember how you did specifically. So all that matters is doing the work as best you can and passing. Because it's not worth it to let it consume your whole life and wellbeing.

And, if you can, find aids online that will help you with stuff. You mentioned needing to write about Animal Farm and reading other stuff. If you need to, instead of spending time reading the entire book of whatever it is, just look up the SparkNotes version and get the rundown of each chapter or whatever. It saves a lot of time and you can usually get by in a lot of assingments with just the info from it instead of reading the entire book.

I wish you good luck though. I absolutely know how you feel. I still have dreams all the time about how anxiety inducing high school was for me.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Was at the mall and decided to purchase an assortment of delicious cashews, I got a mix of chocolate covered and regular, went to the counter to have them weighed, was expecting to pay ~$15 and it came out to $30. These had better be some amazing cashews.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Was at the mall and decided to purchase an assortment of delicious cashews, I got a mix of chocolate covered and regular, went to the counter to have them weighed, was expecting to pay ~$15 and it came out to $30. These had better be some amazing cashews.
Were they??
May 4, 2014
My grandmother. She is constantly putting my daughter down. My kid doesn't do drugs, she doesn't smoke or underage drink, she's working hard getting her HS diploma, college credits, and recently got her OSHA license and is taking emt classes.

She's getting working experience in construction classes and her class has been commissioned to go into the mountains and do work at a summer camp in a few weeks.

That sounds like she's doing pretty well for herself and yet all that nasty, negative, egotistical cow does is heap disparaging comments and jeer at her career choices.

I tell her off constantly. My daughter tells her off and my grandma has the audacity to scream about how she gets no respect. Too bad. If she can't be supportive then she needs to STHU.

She is proud of herself. I am immensely proud of her. The family is proud of her.

But this is wearing on her self esteem.
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Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
People from the previous generation can be very stubborn at times and telling them off does no good at all. This may sound stupid but the best course of action is ignoring or acting like you don't hear anything at all.

I'm doing a Marine Engineering degree and my granma's brother has stereotyped them as drunk, violent and promiscuous.
I tried to argue with him whenever he visits and it only got bigger. At one point I started wearing my headphones or just plain ignore the topic or when he takes it up. That worked well and he eventually stopped. The funny thing is even my grandma doesn't like him.

But this is wearing on her self esteem.
Then you just have to say what you said above to her and explain that some old people can be difficult to deal with sometimes.

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