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What Annoyed You Today?


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
i don't think anyone here thinks of you that way, you're a well respected member and i cant imagine the people here wanting to put you down for being vulnerable about sharing when things make you upset. i think most people in general want to empathize with someone when they're feeling down too, and mocking people for things that upset them isnt what comes naturally to most people, especially not in a community like this.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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Storytime. I show up for my class and it's cancelled. Ok, no big deal, I was able to use the time to catch up on an assignment I'd been procrastinating too long, which took about the length the actual class would have, so it kinda worked out. I submit it, and take a look at the virtual campus, the place my college uses for the professors to give out assignments and whatnot, and I see I have something overdue for today. Huh? I click it, and apparently she gave out a short little assignment that was due by 3pm to count attendance. I saw it at approximately 3:06 pm. Damnit. It gets better, tho. If I had actually clicked the notification on the virtual campus that said class cancelled, I would have seen the assignment there, but noo. I just read the notificaiton without opening it because why should I open something I already know about? So that's the story of how I got my first absence in my time at this college. Moral of the story is to click your notifications or something idk.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Storytime. I show up for my class and it's cancelled. Ok, no big deal, I was able to use the time to catch up on an assignment I'd been procrastinating too long, which took about the length the actual class would have, so it kinda worked out. I submit it, and take a look at the virtual campus, the place my college uses for the professors to give out assignments and whatnot, and I see I have something overdue for today. Huh? I click it, and apparently she gave out a short little assignment that was due by 3pm to count attendance. I saw it at approximately 3:06 pm. Damnit. It gets better, tho. If I had actually clicked the notification on the virtual campus that said class cancelled, I would have seen the assignment there, but noo. I just read the notificaiton without opening it because why should I open something I already know about? So that's the story of how I got my first absence in my time at this college. Moral of the story is to click your notifications or something idk.
i dunno that seems a bit silly on schools part like say assignment here also check in!!


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
I see a post of well-wishes, donations, and such for my friend and fellow bandmate that died recently, and that warms my heart.

But some piece of f*cking filth decided to use his death to talk about substance abuse issues in the area, literally implying that my close friend and bandmate passed away because he OD'ed on drugs.

It's a gigantic f*cking lie, and I can't stand liars.

First of all, the guy hated needles, and as such, had no tattoos. Second of all, he drank water and soda, and most recently, some vitamin C for the cold he thought he had. Third of all, the only "drug" he did was marijuana, and that's it. Fourth of all, nobody knows how he died, not even the coroner that did his autopsy, not even the medical examiner knows yet!

He jumped to a massive f*cking conclusion and spoke ill of the dead in one post that pissed off everyone that actually knew my friend, and he has the gall to claim that the "music scene is toxic."

Maybe if you think everyone else is toxic, look at the common f*cking denominator you piss stain! The music scene seems to do fine without your f*cking toxicity.

I hope his ass gets ran out of town, because my mate was a popular chap and everyone loved him. Right now I'm seriously f*cking livid and have half a mind to kneecap this motherf*cker.

But since I don't believe in violence, this is me just venting, sorry everyone! Hope you all have a great day! :D


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Champion
can I just not feel horrible anymore
it's become a constant

I'm used to pain now, doesn't make it hurt any less. Just makes it normal to hurt. I felt horrible all evening, not from pain, I wasn't focused on that. Eating was so hard. My mouth feels like it's coated over all inside and I have a film in my throat I can't cough up because I'm so weak and its hurts to cough. I almost want to gag from it but I can't. Thought I might get sick, felt like I could've multiple times. But I didn't.
Took a walk around the hallway, barely made it back. Almost teared up getting into the room because I don't want this anymore. It hurts so much and it goes on forever. I barely talk, my legs and my arm are slightly swollen from the fluids. My belly feels horrible. My abdomen is in pain. My lips are dry. I don't have energy. Almost gagged on a pill.

I'm going to try to sleep, I hope I don't get sick from laying down.

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