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What Annoyed You Today?


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
A guy trying to run a music festival started talking unprofessional sh*t about us and the other bands, artists, and projects we're friends with because we pulled out of his festival for his unprofessional behavior and attitude.

He told a band that we're good friends with that, "They f*cking suck, and go f*ck off somewhere else you're never gonna get another live show again."

So we all pulled out at the same time as a point of honor. That was extremely unprofessional.

Now, since we worked with a different person doing different festivals who was respectful and professional, he's now saying that we're toxic by pulling out of his show and going to another, more professional show the next day.

He's now complaining that the musicians in the scene I'm in are all homophobic, which, in the past 20-30 years, homophobia amongst musicians in my area hasn't been a thing. Hell, one of the bands we associate with is a punk band with the lead singer dressed in drag. We're an acceptable lot. Just be cool and professional, it's not hard!

Last I heard, he tried taking it to a different city complaining about toxicity, and the musicians there were like, "What the hell are you talking about?"

It's just annoying that there's people that take the fun out of music. Music is supposed to be fun. Yeah you have to work, but it's hella fun.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
A guy trying to run a music festival started talking unprofessional sh*t about us and the other bands, artists, and projects we're friends with because we pulled out of his festival for his unprofessional behavior and attitude.

He told a band that we're good friends with that, "They f*cking suck, and go f*ck off somewhere else you're never gonna get another live show again."

So we all pulled out at the same time as a point of honor. That was extremely unprofessional.

Now, since we worked with a different person doing different festivals who was respectful and professional, he's now saying that we're toxic by pulling out of his show and going to another, more professional show the next day.

He's now complaining that the musicians in the scene I'm in are all homophobic, which, in the past 20-30 years, homophobia amongst musicians in my area hasn't been a thing. Hell, one of the bands we associate with is a punk band with the lead singer dressed in drag. We're an acceptable lot. Just be cool and professional, it's not hard!

Last I heard, he tried taking it to a different city complaining about toxicity, and the musicians there were like, "What the hell are you talking about?"

It's just annoying that there's people that take the fun out of music. Music is supposed to be fun. Yeah you have to work, but it's hella fun.
he aint treating others how he wanna be treated!!!


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
he aint treating others how he wanna be treated!!!
Exactly. Couldn't continue doing business with him. What's worse, is the band he said that to was the punk band with the lead singer dressed in drag.

So I feel he's projecting a bit when he says we musicians are the homophobic ones.

It's not only that, but he's extremely flaky, such that other promoters we know said to distance yourself from him, as he's nothing but trouble.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
Seems like assholes are in full swing, because one guy didn't like it when I said you shouldn't be using fingertip protectors when playing guitar, and I cited Yngwie Malmsteen as an example to follow, because he doesn't need them nor would he use them, and cautioned against using Tony Iommi to justify fingertip protectors, considering his machine shop accident and his fingertip prostheses that he uses aren't the same fingertip protectors that people try to say he uses.

The reason why is that the fingertip protectors in question are made out of silicon rubber, which increases friction, so techniques that require finesse and touch like bending, sliding/glissandos, and vibrato are now much more difficult to do. Plus, your own fingers naturally build calluses anyways, so the products themselves are pretty useless.

He said I contradicted myself, and that such contradictions are indicative of metalhead logic, implying that metalheads are idiots.

Apparently, it roared over his head at the speed of light that Tony Iommi and Yngwie Malmsteen aren't the same people, aren't the same guitarists, and their circumstances regarding their music and technique is completely different. Nevermind the fact that Tony Iommi wouldn't need fingertip prostheses to play guitar if he didn't lose the tips of his fingers in a machine shop accident.

But why let reality and nuance get in the way when you can just insult someone?


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Champion
Kinda mad at myself rn for reading things that are going to start my anxiety again. I know it's going to effect me negatively, but I read it anyway because I want to know I'm not alone in what I'm going through. I browse exmormon reddit and I'm not a big fan of reddit (as many of you guys aren't either) but I keep going back because it's the only place I know where to go to find people who truly understand what it's like. I'm aware there's probably a lot of bias there and it's likely a bit of an echo chamber, but I don't know where else to go. I just don't want to be alone. I just want to know I'm not the only one. I tell myself not to bring it up on my computer but then I do. But the posts there always get me feeling a lot of emotions.

Just now some guy was talking about his experience growing up and how he couldn't ever say what he was feeling or thinking to his parents and it hit me hard. And he said how his relationship with his parents never became deep or strong because he had to play this act all the time. And that's when I started to feel that panicked feeling in my chest again and my heart beat started going faster. Thinking about the future always gets me panicked. I don't want what happened to him to happen to me. I read so many experiences people have had where their relationship with their parents plummeted because of this. It's not made up, so many people struggle to deal with it everyday. I don't want it to happen to me. But it's already happening, I'm becoming distant and I can't help it. I can't convey panic through text but my thoughts circle through worst case scenarios faster and faster and I feel dread

why do I do this to myself

I hate how I always dump my thoughts here. You all are probably dealing with tough things, but I'm the only one who can't shut up about it. I'm always complaining and bringing the mood down. I say that, yet I post this. I'm so weak. I don't want to drag you guys into this but thinking about not talking about it anymore at all, my chest tightens and my heart starts again

why does my mood change so quickly
Last edited:


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Kinda mad at myself rn for reading things that are going to start my anxiety again. I know it's going to effect me negatively, but I read it anyway because I want to know I'm not alone in what I'm going through. I browse exmormon reddit and I'm not a big fan of reddit (as many of you guys aren't either) but I keep going back because it's the only place I know where to go to find people who truly understand what it's like. I'm aware there's probably a lot of bias there and it's likely a bit of an echo chamber, but I don't know where else to go. I just don't want to be alone. I just want to know I'm not the only one. I tell myself not to bring it up on my computer but then I do. But the posts there always get me feeling a lot of emotions.

Just now some guy was talking about his experience growing up and how he couldn't ever say what he was feeling or thinking to his parents and it hit me hard. And he said how his relationship with his parents never became deep or strong because he had to play this act all the time. And that's when I started to feel that panicked feeling in my chest again and my heart beat started going faster. Thinking about the future always gets me panicked. I don't want what happened to him to happen to me. I read so many experiences people have had where their relationship with their parents plummeted because of this. It's not made up, so many people struggle to deal with it everyday. I don't want it to happen to me. But it's already happening, I'm becoming distant and I can't help it. I can convey panic through text but my thoughts circle through worst case scenarios faster and faster and I feel dread

why do I do this to myself

I hate how I always dump my thoughts here. You all are probably dealing with tough things, but I'm the only one who can't shut up about it. I'm always complaining and bringing the mood down. I say that, yet I post this. I'm so weak. I don't want to drag you guys into this but thinking about not talking about it anymore at all, my chest tightens and my heart starts again

why does my mood change so quickly
Ech go ahead dump your thoughts here its best to get it out somewhere!! Maybe youll feel like you can talk to parents soon...

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Kinda mad at myself rn for reading things that are going to start my anxiety again. I know it's going to effect me negatively, but I read it anyway because I want to know I'm not alone in what I'm going through. I browse exmormon reddit and I'm not a big fan of reddit (as many of you guys aren't either) but I keep going back because it's the only place I know where to go to find people who truly understand what it's like. I'm aware there's probably a lot of bias there and it's likely a bit of an echo chamber, but I don't know where else to go. I just don't want to be alone. I just want to know I'm not the only one. I tell myself not to bring it up on my computer but then I do. But the posts there always get me feeling a lot of emotions.

Just now some guy was talking about his experience growing up and how he couldn't ever say what he was feeling or thinking to his parents and it hit me hard. And he said how his relationship with his parents never became deep or strong because he had to play this act all the time. And that's when I started to feel that panicked feeling in my chest again and my heart beat started going faster. Thinking about the future always gets me panicked. I don't want what happened to him to happen to me. I read so many experiences people have had where their relationship with their parents plummeted because of this. It's not made up, so many people struggle to deal with it everyday. I don't want it to happen to me. But it's already happening, I'm becoming distant and I can't help it. I can't convey panic through text but my thoughts circle through worst case scenarios faster and faster and I feel dread

why do I do this to myself

I hate how I always dump my thoughts here. You all are probably dealing with tough things, but I'm the only one who can't shut up about it. I'm always complaining and bringing the mood down. I say that, yet I post this. I'm so weak. I don't want to drag you guys into this but thinking about not talking about it anymore at all, my chest tightens and my heart starts again

why does my mood change so quickly

You don't have to apologize for coming here to dump your thoughts! Everyone here cares about you and you need a safe place to get them out. I know that I am never bothered by you sharing these thoughts and I'm sure no one else is either.

It's very common to seek out similar experiences to yours just to make it feel more normal. It can be comforting knowing you're not the only one that's felt that way. But it can also get to you, like you said, with worries that your situation might turn out bad like others.

I don't know your family so I can't speak too much to how they would react. But you are so kind and caring, I don't see how they could reject you just for not believing the same way as them. But religion is a touchy subject, and I know it that it can be different than other situations. I'm sure they truly love you, so I want to think and hope that if you ever share your thoughts with them they won't shun you or anything like that. But, if something like that did happen, just know that it wasn't your fault. And that that's one of the very reasons you struggle so much with the religion in the first place. Because people put the beliefs before everything else, and can't enjoy and appreciate what they already have infront of them.

You are not bad for questioning. You are not wrong. You're not weak or anything else it may feel like. People should question things. If everyone just took everything that they were told as truth then the world would be a crazy place. There's a reason you're questioning, and that reason is valid. Your feelings are valid. I know you struggle a lot with the LGBT+ aspect of things with the church. But how can they preach about the wrongness of it, when you're sitting there living an amazing life full of love and kindness? How is that wrong? You aren't hurting anyone with your sexuality and I think that the best way to live life is to do what you enjoy as long as it doesn't harm others.

I know you enjoy music, so I have a bit of a recommendation if you want to check it out. Tyler Glenn, the lead singer of Neon Trees, grew up Mormon. And after he came out he was excommunicated from the church. He did an album all about his feelings dealing with it and it's really good. I can't personally relate to the situation, but the songs even get me emotional. Especially this one. He also has one called Trash that is incredibly good.



Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
Kinda mad at myself rn for reading things that are going to start my anxiety again. I know it's going to effect me negatively, but I read it anyway because I want to know I'm not alone in what I'm going through. I browse exmormon reddit and I'm not a big fan of reddit (as many of you guys aren't either) but I keep going back because it's the only place I know where to go to find people who truly understand what it's like. I'm aware there's probably a lot of bias there and it's likely a bit of an echo chamber, but I don't know where else to go. I just don't want to be alone. I just want to know I'm not the only one. I tell myself not to bring it up on my computer but then I do. But the posts there always get me feeling a lot of emotions.

Just now some guy was talking about his experience growing up and how he couldn't ever say what he was feeling or thinking to his parents and it hit me hard. And he said how his relationship with his parents never became deep or strong because he had to play this act all the time. And that's when I started to feel that panicked feeling in my chest again and my heart beat started going faster. Thinking about the future always gets me panicked. I don't want what happened to him to happen to me. I read so many experiences people have had where their relationship with their parents plummeted because of this. It's not made up, so many people struggle to deal with it everyday. I don't want it to happen to me. But it's already happening, I'm becoming distant and I can't help it. I can't convey panic through text but my thoughts circle through worst case scenarios faster and faster and I feel dread

why do I do this to myself

I hate how I always dump my thoughts here. You all are probably dealing with tough things, but I'm the only one who can't shut up about it. I'm always complaining and bringing the mood down. I say that, yet I post this. I'm so weak. I don't want to drag you guys into this but thinking about not talking about it anymore at all, my chest tightens and my heart starts again

why does my mood change so quickly
My whole side of mom's family is Mormon, and I get constantly judged by them because my dad and I are very outspoken about our feelings on Mormonism.

... Let's just say we're not too fond of it, in fact, my dad and I aren't too fond of organized religions just in general, even though my dad is Christian.

I understand, completely, the feelings you have, because all throughout my life when it came to Mormonism, I've only ever experienced undeserved judgmental attitudes, hypocrisy, and a lack of nuance and understanding when it came to discussing religion and philosophy especially when it came to absolutely unethical things they all got involved in.

So Mormonism, at least for me, is a bit of a hot button topic, and I'm sure you're experiencing something similar. Yet, you can't express how you feel because it's insulting someone's faith, and if it's someone you care about, it can be worse, because I'm sure you love your family dearly and want to have a deep and loving relationship with them.

I understand completely that those that didn't grow up Mormon, or weren't around Mormonism very often don't really know what it's like, and how it can affect you mentally when you start to notice cracks in the foundation, so to speak.

Seriously, talking about it really can help.


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Champion
I feel like I been having a major anxiety attack all day and nothing I do makes it go away

feels pretty miserable and I don't know what to do
been feeling pretty similar to that this past week ex, I get how it feels
have you tried music and your hobbies and stuff? Something to take your mind off of whatever is causing you stress?
I'm so sorry you're feeling like that. Hopefully you'll feel better soon.

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