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What Annoyed You Today?

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
My family is reading through ecclesiastes for church. We finished most of the chapters this morning and reached the end. I tried to not focus on it too much, but the constant saying that everything's vanity began to get to me at the end. I got reminded of when I was feeling pretty down last year and had trouble with motivation because I would always think, what's the point? And now I feel pretty down because now I have the thoughts like 'am I doing all this stuff and it's meaningless', and 'should I even be trying this hard? There's no point', and it's starting to make me sad again.

It's not super serious or anything, I'll probably bounce back in a little bit, but starting this morning out with those negative thoughts isn't fun.
Just remember that the author of Ecclesiastes is considered clinically depressed

I like to remember ether 12:27 when reading scriptures is bumming me out :)


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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My family is reading through ecclesiastes for church. We finished most of the chapters this morning and reached the end. I tried to not focus on it too much, but the constant saying that everything's vanity began to get to me at the end. I got reminded of when I was feeling pretty down last year and had trouble with motivation because I would always think, what's the point? And now I feel pretty down because now I have the thoughts like 'am I doing all this stuff and it's meaningless', and 'should I even be trying this hard? There's no point', and it's starting to make me sad again.

It's not super serious or anything, I'll probably bounce back in a little bit, but starting this morning out with those negative thoughts isn't fun.
Hint: Read to the end


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Champion
Just remember that the author of Ecclesiastes is considered clinically depressed

I like to remember ether 12:27 when reading scriptures is bumming me out :)

I remember thinking that Solomon really does sound depressed as I read through the chapters. So yeah it makes sense.

All his gloomy talk throughout the whole thing really started to spread into me and I started to feel gloomy too. Especially when he talked about the vanity, or meaningless of knowledge and labour and stuff like that. Because that's what I seek to do. That's what makes my life meaningful, is working to serve others and make and positive difference in the world. I love my hobbies. I love learning about new things and getting smarter and stuff. But he just says it's all for nothing. And I don't agree with that, but I can't help but feel his negativity creep into my mind and cloud it with those thoughts I don't want.

A verse that really went too far for me was verse 10 in chapter 9. I'll just quote it for you here:

"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest."

And yeah. The way I interpreted this was that there's none of those things in the afterlife. I might be wrong and someone please tell me if I'm wrong. I know that can't be exactly true, because I'm sure other verses in the bible say differently about heaven, but still it's depressing and makes me have anxiety, because it feels like he saying hurry up and do what you can because you'll die in the future, and I had trouble with thoughts like that too in the past.
Toward the end, the last chapter felt like a hurried way to get a positive point out of the book. The whole thing didn't feel like a fear (or love) for God and His commandments like the few last verses said. At least in the way we were reading it and the points we were focusing on as a family, it didn't.

I really need to go to the new testament and read something positive. Verses about His mercy and love and about loving and serving others really help me shift my focus back to what's good and positive. A lot of members like the book of mormon and read it ALL the time, but honestly I like the new testament better. Might be because of all the spiritual turmoil happening to me atm, but I find a lot of comfort in Jesus' words of mercy and love.

I'm glad you have verses that give you comfort too <3

Hint: Read to the end

I did. Heck, we read basically the whole book this morning. We got the first few chapters done yesterday though. The little short chapter at the end didn't make up for the the depressing pages I had just sat through. I'm trying to find good things in the book, and there were, but all the paragraphs surrounding those few verses that are meaningful to me is just stocked full of the word vanity and how this and that are meaningless.

What I tried to focus on in the end was the final chapter and the verse that talked about the love of God and His commandments, and when my dad asked me what I had learned I tried to take the chapters in the middle and form something positive by saying we should put our effort in and focus on things that are important, but when he asked my younger sister and she said all things are vanity (or in other words, meaningless) that was the last straw for me. I really didn't like that at all. Got pretty sad and upset but I pushed it down and controlled my emotions. I don't want her learning that and having that mindset, but I'm not her parent. I can't do anything.

Gah I need to go relax or something lol
The way I personally see it is that like, that stuff will be discouraging at surface value. Life may be seemingly meaningless maybe in a tangible sense; what you do on earth may ultimately not matter to you in the end. But you gotta consider that the world will continue to exist once you're gone. What you do here may still have a legacy for those who still live here beyond your time. You can make a difference for the future that would transcend your lifespan.

I like philosophy because it makes me ask deeper questions instead of just accepting a statement like that at face value. I'm gonna unravel it until it means something that I can apply to myself. And all the doubts I have along the way will teach me things about myself, too.


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
My family is reading through ecclesiastes for church. We finished most of the chapters this morning and reached the end. I tried to not focus on it too much, but the constant saying that everything's vanity began to get to me at the end. I got reminded of when I was feeling pretty down last year and had trouble with motivation because I would always think, what's the point? And now I feel pretty down because now I have the thoughts like 'am I doing all this stuff and it's meaningless', and 'should I even be trying this hard? There's no point', and it's starting to make me sad again.

It's not super serious or anything, I'll probably bounce back in a little bit, but starting this morning out with those negative thoughts isn't fun.
I had those thoughts a lot when I was around your age. I think what ended up helping me get through that thought process personally was realizing that even though if my life doesn’t necessarily matter in the long run there’s still a ton of people in my life that matter to me and I know that my life matters to them. So even if my life doesn’t have any impact in the future it does have an impact on the present. That just helps me keep my head up and stay motivated


Staff member
ZD Champion
Ecclesiastes is a fairly philosophical book, and a surprisingly nihilistic one. So it's somewhat normal to get uncomfortable with it.
The author being so mad at the world's injustices really makes it a lot heavier too, sometimes it feels more like a rant at God.

Been a while since I read it, but from what I remember, I personally feel like it uses vanity as a way to push a message regarding humbleness and contentment with the present and with what God provided you. In that sense, saying that everything is vanity isn't to mean that it's meaningless in a 'devoid of importance' sense, but rather that most of these human things people seem to value (work, pleasure, wisdom) are not what should be prioritized in the larger, more spiritual, picture (valued through faith).

As always it's very open for personal interpretation, so however you decide to follow it (or even not follow, iirc they simply censor or ignore it in some movements lmao) will be fine.
Anyways, I hope you're able to distract yourself a bit, Echo. :hug:

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I remember thinking that Solomon really does sound depressed as I read through the chapters. So yeah it makes sense.

All his gloomy talk throughout the whole thing really started to spread into me and I started to feel gloomy too. Especially when he talked about the vanity, or meaningless of knowledge and labour and stuff like that. Because that's what I seek to do. That's what makes my life meaningful, is working to serve others and make and positive difference in the world. I love my hobbies. I love learning about new things and getting smarter and stuff. But he just says it's all for nothing. And I don't agree with that, but I can't help but feel his negativity creep into my mind and cloud it with those thoughts I don't want.

A verse that really went too far for me was verse 10 in chapter 9. I'll just quote it for you here:

"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest."

And yeah. The way I interpreted this was that there's none of those things in the afterlife. I might be wrong and someone please tell me if I'm wrong. I know that can't be exactly true, because I'm sure other verses in the bible say differently about heaven, but still it's depressing and makes me have anxiety, because it feels like he saying hurry up and do what you can because you'll die in the future, and I had trouble with thoughts like that too in the past.
Toward the end, the last chapter felt like a hurried way to get a positive point out of the book. The whole thing didn't feel like a fear (or love) for God and His commandments like the few last verses said. At least in the way we were reading it and the points we were focusing on as a family, it didn't.

I really need to go to the new testament and read something positive. Verses about His mercy and love and about loving and serving others really help me shift my focus back to what's good and positive. A lot of members like the book of mormon and read it ALL the time, but honestly I like the new testament better. Might be because of all the spiritual turmoil happening to me atm, but I find a lot of comfort in Jesus' words of mercy and love.

I'm glad you have verses that give you comfort too <3

I did. Heck, we read basically the whole book this morning. We got the first few chapters done yesterday though. The little short chapter at the end didn't make up for the the depressing pages I had just sat through. I'm trying to find good things in the book, and there were, but all the paragraphs surrounding those few verses that are meaningful to me is just stocked full of the word vanity and how this and that are meaningless.

What I tried to focus on in the end was the final chapter and the verse that talked about the love of God and His commandments, and when my dad asked me what I had learned I tried to take the chapters in the middle and form something positive by saying we should put our effort in and focus on things that are important, but when he asked my younger sister and she said all things are vanity (or in other words, meaningless) that was the last straw for me. I really didn't like that at all. Got pretty sad and upset but I pushed it down and controlled my emotions. I don't want her learning that and having that mindset, but I'm not her parent. I can't do anything.

Gah I need to go relax or something lol

I can't comment on the religious part of this, since I'm not too familiar with the Bible. However, I think it's actually something that non-religious people also struggle with. I know that I have had the same anxieties that it brought about in you. I struggle a lot with depression, and part of the thoughts that I have with that is that life is meaningless. And that's exacerbated by the belief that nothing happens when we die, it's just like an eternal sleep. So I truly understand how you feel having anxieties about that. Instead I choose to live my life for others. I know that's probably a bad way to do things, but it's what gets me through the days. Knowing that if I weren't here, it would have a huge effect on the people who love and care for me is what makes me keep living. Because I may not find meaning in life, but some of them do. And I don't want to cause any harm to them just because I don't believe the same.

I, for one, feel like I am better off for knowing you. It's nice to see such a bright soul in this world. One who's full of kindness and love when it feels like there's so much hatred and cruelty out there. It's nice to see myself relating to someone who has been brought up with a different belief system.

I hope nothing like this ever causes you to lose your drive to create and learn. You do bring a lot of joy to others, both just by being yourself and with your creations. And if the only meaning you find in life is brightening others days, then so be it. Because I know that means a lot to you and it's actually one of the better meanings of life I think there is.


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
Coworker forgot his wallet at home so I was waiting for him to get back so we can go to the bar and even though I was supposed to be off the fact that I was still there made it so everyone else at work feel like they could do nothing while I covered everything. It’s just annoying that while I’m here everyone feels like they can screw around.


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
People just constantly talking **** about me on platforms I’m not even on anymore. I’m fully aware I was a ****ty person in the past. I don’t think it helps just constantly reminding me of it tho. Im Just so over it. I just want to be me and feel comfortable with myself at this point. I feel like I can’t even trust anyone at this point.

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