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What Annoyed You Today?


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Dear brain

Please stop mistaking the loneliness of being in a new place and not really having met anyone yet since you've only been here two weeks and working for most of it, please don't mistake that loneliness for thinking that you want to be in a romantic relationship.

Yours truly



Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
Wishing rn I was better at talking to people. I wasn't that great at socializing in school so I'm only really still in contact with 1 singular person (she rocks though so that's okay). I tried joining a kny server on discord earlier but I'm too anxious to actually jump into the chats and heeeyyyyy, at least I had 1 random creep dm me :rolleyes:. Sarcasm. I even have trouble talking to people on here in the shoutbox and such. My social skills could use some work :err: and I've been super bored basically this entire week.
large discord servers are literally impossible to communicate in, honestly. it's specifically for certain personalities to scream into the void and everyone else just kind of becomes background noise. i recommend muting pretty much all the channels but like the important ones (aka the #memes channel :cool:), and also disable the "accept dms from people in this server"

but like for real, the reason i like zd is that you can get to know people, and its just easier to communicate on this smaller scale. having an entire fandom 'population' in one place as disorganized as discord is sooo excessive and chaotic and overwhelming.

it's hard to find people by interest nowadays who are worthwhile chatting to, but if you have existing friends who are into demon slayer, maybe you can network a little bit and find some similar minded people who also share the interest. dont know exactly how to go about doing that, but maybe you could find some people through a mutual interest in art, if they like your demon slayer art, they may also be fans of demon slayer.

but also, real friends support your interests even if they dont necessarily share them, and thats something i've had to learn the hard way.


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
I feel that, oocoo, I had a lot of casual friends/acquaintances in school but I never really ended up joining a friend group and I'm feeling that now that it's summer and I don't do anything with people lol.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
Wishing rn I was better at talking to people. I wasn't that great at socializing in school so I'm only really still in contact with 1 singular person (she rocks though so that's okay). I tried joining a kny server on discord earlier but I'm too anxious to actually jump into the chats and heeeyyyyy, at least I had 1 random creep dm me :rolleyes:. Sarcasm. I even have trouble talking to people on here in the shoutbox and such. My social skills could use some work :err: and I've been super bored basically this entire week.
Don't worry about it, mate.

You'll get better, just be yourself.

I know that sounds like a platitude, but honestly, if you're just yourself and treat everyone with basic dignity, you've pretty much got it covered.

Some people are assholes, that's unavoidable, and some are toxic, which is also unavoidable. The basic barometer is is if they don't like you for who you are, raw and unvarnished, then they're not worth having in your life.

I'm basically an awkward nerd that knows way too much about various nerdy topics, and yet I don't know how people know me, nor do I know how I make friends. It just happens.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Don't worry about it, mate.

You'll get better, just be yourself.

I know that sounds like a platitude, but honestly, if you're just yourself and treat everyone with basic dignity, you've pretty much got it covered.

Some people are assholes, that's unavoidable, and some are toxic, which is also unavoidable. The basic barometer is is if they don't like you for who you are, raw and unvarnished, then they're not worth having in your life.

I'm basically an awkward nerd that knows way too much about various nerdy topics, and yet I don't know how people know me, nor do I know how I make friends. It just happens.
You seem like an incredibly outgoing person lol. People are naturally attracted to big personalities
Oct 10, 2017
I didn't even know we have a place to let off this kind of steam.

We’ll, here's my donation to the annoyed soup. A while back, I joined Hyrule Gamer's discord. All was good. They create a theory channel. I start to feel like I fit in. Today, I was talking about my latest theory. A moderator compares me to a Nazi, based on what someone else said. Now it looks like I was kicked. Anyone have dealings with that server?
Not updating Firefox on my laptop for a year puts me 20 versions out of date. Guess who has websites starting to deny me ability to use them with fake error messages for arbitrary reasons, yaay

But seriously theres no reason to push monthly releases/updates just for the hell of it. It doesn't make you look productive as a company.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
I installed steam to play a game with my friends and my brother refuses to give me his login information so now I have to make a brand new steam account for nothing

also this means he stole two games from me

he can't even use steam on his apple computer so there's literally nothing motivating this but spite
he's actually the worst

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