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What Annoyed You Today?


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
I wish we gave dinosaurs common names
If you break down their Greek names, they are rather apt.

For example, Tarbosaurus means "Alarming reptile", alarming in the sense that it's awesome, btw, and its species name is "bataar" which is a misspelling of the Mongolian word "baatar" which means hero.

So you can make a literal case that Tarbosaurus bataar literally means "Awesome Reptile Hero."

You'll notice a few trends too. For example, all tyrannosauroids have names that are kingly.

Tyrannosaurus means "Tyrant Reptile" and its species name, rex, means "King."

Lythronax means "Gore King."

And you get the picture.

Maniraptorans all have names referring to snatching or thieving, except for birds, which is different.

Velociraptor means "swift snatcher/thief."

Microraptor means "small thief."

That said, some names are better than others. For example, when Utahraptor was discovered, the lead paleontologist wanted to call it "Dinoraptor" meaning "Terrible Thief" because it's about the size of a bear, which would have been an awesome, and apt, description of the animal.

But, the team wanted to name it after the state it was found in, thus, a really awesome and interesting animal got the really lame name of Utahraptor, meaning "Utah's Thief."


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
If you break down their Greek names, they are rather apt.

For example, Tarbosaurus means "Alarming reptile", alarming in the sense that it's awesome, btw, and its species name is "bataar" which is a misspelling of the Mongolian word "baatar" which means hero.

So you can make a literal case that Tarbosaurus bataar literally means "Awesome Reptile Hero."

You'll notice a few trends too. For example, all tyrannosauroids have names that are kingly.

Tyrannosaurus means "Tyrant Reptile" and its species name, rex, means "King."

Maniraptorans all have names referring to snatching or thieving.

Velociraptor means "swift snatcher/thief."

That said, some names are better than others. For example, when Utahraptor was discovered, the lead paleontologist wanted to call it "Dinoraptor" meaning "Terrible Thief" because it's about the size of a bear, which would have been an awesome, and apt, description of the animal.

But, the team wanted to name it after the state it was found in, thus, a really awesome and interesting animal got the really lame name of Utahraptor, meaning "Utah's Thief."
cant even pronounce mosta those names!!! haha....*stressed diz*


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
I wish we gave dinosaurs common names
*On a tour at the museum*
Tour guide: "And this dinosaur is Wilbert! Wilbert was alive during the Cretaceous period and stood at around 10 ft tall! Wilbert was incredibly vicious, at the top of the food chain in fact, and had a habit of tearing smaller dinosaurs limb from limb!"


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
*On a tour at the museum*
Tour guide: "And this dinosaur is Wilbert! Wilbert was alive during the Cretaceous period and stood at around 10 ft tall! Wilbert was incredibly vicious, at the top of the food chain in fact, and had a habit of tearing smaller dinosaurs limb from limb!"
Fun fact, a lot of T. rex specimens have fun names.

We have:
  • Sue.
  • Stan.
  • Scotty.
  • Samson.
  • B-rex.
  • Peck's Rex.
  • Bucky.
  • Jane.
  • Queenie.
  • Baby Bob.
  • Tristan.
  • And Black Beauty.

Of all those specimens, we only know the sex of one, and it's B-rex, and she was a female.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
it's just weird that we refer to dinosaurs mostly by their genus but nobody goes around saying who's a good canis familiaris? yes you are!

Most likely because paleontology is a young field of science, and dinosaurs weren't known until the 19th century, when Sir Richard Owen came up with the classification.

So, for now, in addition to their genus name, calling them dinosaurs as a generic term is as good as it gets.


Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I was wanting to fix my schedule so I could start waking up earlier, I used to feel better and be more productive when I did that. This goal has not gone well at all, and instead I am sleeping in longer than I'd prefer. So that's annoying.

Also I wole up and found the glue I was using for a project doesn't work well with fabric but that may have just been because I globbed too much in one area instead of spreading it around, so I'm back to square one on my little project to add a page marker to my sketchbook. I could just go buy a new ribbon that is already small enough but I like the effect the ribbon I was going to use has.

Idk, it's just one of those days where it feels like nothing I am trying is going right.

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