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What Annoyed You Today?


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory

No Twitch, if I'm having issues loading your ads I have no intention of "fixing" it. :lol:


Feb 14, 2014
"The sun is shining through my window today! I think I'm going to go outside to the park and lay in the grass and watch the clouds!

Oh yeah, there's still SNOW ON THE GROUND!"


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
"The sun is shining through my window today! I think I'm going to go outside to the park and lay in the grass and watch the clouds!

Oh yeah, there's still SNOW ON THE GROUND!"


It's such a great day outside, but that stupid snow is still on the ground!:(
Everything. Even stupid little things like sensing my mom's presence hesitating to sit down while browsing her iPhone seven meters from behind me in a different room made me totally flip out. Just... everything. The cleaner my glasses are, the more they bother me... everything.

Hsien Ko

Thread murderer
Dec 12, 2012
There's too much Pokemon trainers that depend on Xerneas in Pokemon online battles. :/
So I do the most appropriate thing to do, turn off the game. Now if they do care to battle me again, I would only agree if they have the pokeballs to use normal Pokemon if not then just go away.
Feb 23, 2011
So I'm talking to my niece on the phone because waiting at the bus stop in the bitter cold can be a drag, and I'm pathetic, when suddenly I hear a loud, jarring voice in the background. "Tell [name withheld] I say what's up!," the voice went, to which my niece tells me "aunt [name withheld] (my sister) says hi." At some point during my replying "hey" to my sister, she somehow magically wound up being the person to whom I was speaking on the phone. What's my point? Well, you see, I am not necessarily a family person and I've never gotten along well with my older sister. Well I guess you could say she's the kind of person who's easier to get along with from a distance. She recently moved back to Michigan from Louisiana, and I hadn't seen or spoken to her in three years. Anyhow, the phone conversation quickly went from "hi" to "what have you been up to?"...catching up. This eventually led to her asking me where I was at the time, to which I replied "waiting at the bus stop on my way home from work," which subsequently led to her volunteering to pick me up. And for whatever reason, I complied. Damn.

So on our way home, we talked about a lot of crap such as why I don't drive or why I work so far away from my apartment. I asked her if she could stop by a Wendy's because I hadn't eaten all day, and when I reached into my pocket to pay for the food I had ordered, she volunteered to pay instead (more like insisted on it). She mentioned helping me find a better job at a Chrysler assembly thing, which I never even mentioned needing; she even offered to pick me up from work every night from then on out, despite the fact I got off late and I live really, really far out.

Sounds pretty cool, huh? ...my sister being kind to her little brother and all. Well, here's the thing, it always starts like this before things go to hell. This is the part when my sister tries to get too involved. She'll try to 'help,' but her efforts will do more harm than good. If I let her get too involved, and she just so happens to help me buy a car or get a new, better job, she's going to want to take full credit for having done so. This means that if she ever asks me to do a favor for her, and I say 'no', it's going to be "WHO GOT YOU THAT HIGH PAYING JOB?!" and blah blah blah. She'll insist on things that are supposedly better for me, but in actuality aren't, and I would have to sacrifice any semblance of happiness and dignity I have to live with it. It'd basically like my entire life is being planned out for me, like a doll or something. If I even so much as thought about speaking out against her 'good intentions,' she'll lambaste me with something along the lines of "What are you afraid of?" or "Why are you making so many excuses?"...and so on.

Well I say screw that crap. I refuse to let her get too involved in my life. I'm not a teenager anymore...who she can just toy with and lay out life plans for and such. Nope. Ain't gonna happen. Not again. Damnit, why'd I have to go and give her my mobile number? Crap, I'm such an idiot. Ah, that's right she would have gotten from my niece anyway. Ugh.

I'm genuinely ****ing annoyed rn.


Indigo-Go's Bassist
Mar 8, 2013
What annoyed me is that I'm sad. But not like sad sad, more like my-bipolar-is-going-down.

Oh, and the movie I'm watching is this crew filming a movie in a "mental asylum" and the special effects killed the guy who wanted a demonstration on how to make the brains he did on the wall. So he shot him to put actual brains on the wall. So that really annoyed me.


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
I was just thinking about things in the shower, and for some reason I happened to think of Social Policy vs Economic policy and got really mad about Communism's actual definition being tarnished by authoritarian governments. Dunno, I might make a thread tomorrow.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
This morning, just after I woke up, I went for a short walk. Of course, it had been raining for 3 days straight after snowing a lot, so there was slush and puddles everywhere. I've been splashed before, so I'm used to it. Well, this puddle took up the entire width of the street, and was just over my ankles when I stepped in it. If a car had driven by, it wouldn't have been bad, but no. A freaking semi sped right through that puddle. And I had to walk home like that. Drenched from head to toe. That sucked.

Burning Beast

Go to Hell 4 Heavens Sake
Dec 6, 2012
Zelda Dungeon
My brother refusing to let me stream anything cause slow internet so I can't listen to any music except the stuff I have on Itunes that I've heard a million times >.<
Feb 23, 2011
The subtitles in Madoka Magica: Rebellion were atrocious.

Who were the subbers? I'll bet you a pretty penny that it was ggsubs (lol). Their fansubs are great, but they can be pretty silly at times. Take for example Sacred Seven in which the main character (Tandouji)'s name was changed to Squall in the subtitles due to his uncanny resemblance to Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII. On top of that, they changed the main intro theme to episode 5 (I think) to "Ridin' Dirty." lol

What annoyed me today is the fact that the power went out at my job, and I had to work in the dark all day long. It was so surreal and creepy at times, especially when it got dark out. Also, I was trying to juggle four apples today and a kept screwing up and hitting my nose. Curse my inability to give up on things like that. Sigh.

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