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What Annoyed You Today?


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Someones told a boss at work that i go to my car to dump my stuff when iv3 gone to the loo?!

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
How long it takes to get into any specialty doctors. I had my doctor refer me to a neurologist because when I get too hot I get incredibly bad migraines. I've always dreaded summer because of it, and I can't even really exercise or anything because it doesn't matter if I get hot outside or inside I'll still get sick/get a migraine. I also didn't know until a couple years ago that I have a birthmark on the back of my head that is similar to one I have on my back. Those types of birthmarks (port wine stain) are the result of enlarged blood vessels so I want to see if maybe that's the possible cause. My doctor gave me medicine to try to prevent them and some to take if they break through the preventative medicine. But I can't get into the neurologist until July 27th. Which sucks since I wanted to try to figure this out before summer got too bad. I've been getting hot easier lately. And this weekend it was 80F+ out when I had to help my sister move. Which lead to me getting a really bad heat induced migraine.

Follow up to this. The last follow up I had with my doctor she asked if I had gotten a neurology appointment set up and asked who it was with. I had forgotten his name so she looked it up and said she was afraid that was who it was, because he was actually going to be leaving in June, before my appointment. She had only just found out a few days before and they hadn't told her what they were doing with his patients. So she said she was going to refer me to another neurologist because she didn't want me to wait all that time and then not have an appointment. About a week or two after that appointment we asked if they had sent the referral and they had but apparently a lot of people are trying to see this doctor now since the one I was originally supposed to see is leaving. So I was worried that might mean that I wouldn't get an appointment for months. But finally got a call yesterday and have one for July 5th. So actually about a month sooner than the original one was supposed to be which is nice.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Follow up to this. The last follow up I had with my doctor she asked if I had gotten a neurology appointment set up and asked who it was with. I had forgotten his name so she looked it up and said she was afraid that was who it was, because he was actually going to be leaving in June, before my appointment. She had only just found out a few days before and they hadn't told her what they were doing with his patients. So she said she was going to refer me to another neurologist because she didn't want me to wait all that time and then not have an appointment. About a week or two after that appointment we asked if they had sent the referral and they had but apparently a lot of people are trying to see this doctor now since the one I was originally supposed to see is leaving. So I was worried that might mean that I wouldn't get an appointment for months. But finally got a call yesterday and have one for July 5th. So actually about a month sooner than the original one was supposed to be which is nice.
Boo but yay hope new docs a good one for whatever youre seein him for!!
Power went out today and I was trying to conserve my laptop's charge so I could work on some writing stuff (which it was at like 80% so it should have been fine) but Windows updates kept having a ****ing temper tantrum about me not having any internet and kept trying to CONNECT to LOOK FOR UPDATES TO INSTALL while THE ROUTER IS ****ING DEAD and it literally ate my battery for absolutely no reason. Have I mentioned how much I hate Windows updates for being an unstoppable service? So ****ing stupid.

Thankfully power is back on now, but seriously, there is no reason for such a childish design. Could it like, check to make sure the internet is even existing before draining my battery?


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
Because apparently Steam is unable to transfer files unless fully updated, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt kept trying to install on one of my maxed out 2TB hard drives.

Manually moving them didn't help at all. So a complete uninstall and reinstall of one of my top 5 favorite games of all time was necessary.

So a little pissed about that, but that just means I have an excuse to play that game again.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Im not really annoyed by it but I just facepalm at how whiney and entitled some Star Wars fans are. They are probably some of the worst out there filling up comment sections with just moaning and moaning about any small thing they can nitpick.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
I've learned that if I dare criticize anything in the Jurassic Park franchise for showing scientifically inaccurate dinosaurs, people make the excuse "Well, they're creations by Dr. Wu, not real dinosaurs."

Then don't call them dinosaurs, then, because this is a tacit admission that my criticism is a valid one.

The most recent one I made the point that no pterosaur could physically pick up a human being with their feet and fly, nor could they perch like you see in the Lost World, for several reasons:
  1. All pterosaurs were quadrupeds on the ground. We have fossilized trackways of pterosaurs walking on their hands and feet.
  2. Pterosaurs were incredibly light for how big they were. Quetzalcoatlus northropi, one of the largest pterosaurs was averaging 200 kg.
  3. Pterosaurs are also incredibly streamlined, thus any added weight gets adapted out, this is why the largest pterosaurs don't have very large tails, because that increases weight and drag.
  4. Humans, on average, weigh around 65 kg. Now, even the largest pterosaurs probably couldn't get off the ground if you were on their backs.
  5. Pterosaur feet are actually built more similarly to our feet, in the sense they have five toes and they're plantigrade, meaning they walk on their whole foot. That makes them, in scientific terms, pentadactyl plantigrades. This means they likely couldn't pick things up with their feet.
  6. Since pterosaurs hind limbs couldn't pick anything up, their forelimbs likely couldn't either, considering that they were used to form the basic structure of their wings.
  7. Pterosaurs, biomechanically, could only really pick things up with their mouths, hence the large beaks on pterosaurs like Quetzalcoatlus. It was so they could eat and pick things up with their beaks.
  8. Ergo, pterosaurs likely wouldn't pick humans up and carry them off. They're streamlined, powerful, highly adapted fliers, not dragons or monsters from fantasy.
I could do a whole paleontological series on this, because I love this stuff, but, I tried that once, and people got very angry when I said Jurassic Park's T. rex isn't robust enough to be T. rex, ergo, it's not T. rex, but a closely related genus, Tarbosaurus.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
I've learned that if I dare criticize anything in the Jurassic Park franchise for showing scientifically inaccurate dinosaurs, people make the excuse "Well, they're creations by Dr. Wu, not real dinosaurs."

Then don't call them dinosaurs, then, because this is a tacit admission that my criticism is a valid one.

The most recent one I made the point that no pterosaur could physically pick up a human being with their feet and fly, nor could they perch like you see in the Lost World, for several reasons:
  1. All pterosaurs were quadrupeds on the ground. We have fossilized trackways of pterosaurs walking on their hands and feet.
  2. Pterosaurs were incredibly light for how big they were. Quetzalcoatlus northropi, one of the largest pterosaurs was averaging 200 kg.
  3. Pterosaurs are also incredibly streamlined, thus any added weight gets adapted out, this is why the largest pterosaurs don't have very large tails, because that increases weight and drag.
  4. Humans, on average, weigh around 65 kg. Now, even the largest pterosaurs probably couldn't get off the ground if you were on their backs.
  5. Pterosaur feet are actually built more similarly to our feet, in the sense they have five toes and they're plantigrade, meaning they walk on their whole foot. That makes them, in scientific terms, pentadactyl plantigrades. This means they likely couldn't pick things up with their feet.
  6. Since pterosaurs hind limbs couldn't pick anything up, their forelimbs likely couldn't either, considering that they were used to form the basic structure of their wings.
  7. Pterosaurs, biomechanically, could only really pick things up with their mouths, hence the large beaks on pterosaurs like Quetzalcoatlus. It was so they could eat and pick things up with their beaks.
  8. Ergo, pterosaurs likely wouldn't pick humans up and carry them off. They're streamlined, powerful, highly adapted fliers, not dragons or monsters from fantasy.
I could do a whole paleontological series on this, because I love this stuff, but, I tried that once, and people got very angry when I said Jurassic Park's T. rex isn't robust enough to be T. rex, ergo, it's not T. rex, but a closely related genus, Tarbosaurus.
I don't mind the changes they made for Jurassic Park, it is a movie and it does look cool. That being said, it does annoy me that some of those design choices have turned into general misconceptions. For example, when I see dinosaur toys at the store the Dilophosaurus has fins on its head. It's actually been proven that no, they did not have fins, no they did not spit venom, but people always associate them with that now. It does look pretty cool, though.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
I've learned that if I dare criticize anything in the Jurassic Park franchise for showing scientifically inaccurate dinosaurs, people make the excuse "Well, they're creations by Dr. Wu, not real dinosaurs."

Then don't call them dinosaurs, then, because this is a tacit admission that my criticism is a valid one.

The most recent one I made the point that no pterosaur could physically pick up a human being with their feet and fly, nor could they perch like you see in the Lost World, for several reasons:
  1. All pterosaurs were quadrupeds on the ground. We have fossilized trackways of pterosaurs walking on their hands and feet.
  2. Pterosaurs were incredibly light for how big they were. Quetzalcoatlus northropi, one of the largest pterosaurs was averaging 200 kg.
  3. Pterosaurs are also incredibly streamlined, thus any added weight gets adapted out, this is why the largest pterosaurs don't have very large tails, because that increases weight and drag.
  4. Humans, on average, weigh around 65 kg. Now, even the largest pterosaurs probably couldn't get off the ground if you were on their backs.
  5. Pterosaur feet are actually built more similarly to our feet, in the sense they have five toes and they're plantigrade, meaning they walk on their whole foot. That makes them, in scientific terms, pentadactyl plantigrades. This means they likely couldn't pick things up with their feet.
  6. Since pterosaurs hind limbs couldn't pick anything up, their forelimbs likely couldn't either, considering that they were used to form the basic structure of their wings.
  7. Pterosaurs, biomechanically, could only really pick things up with their mouths, hence the large beaks on pterosaurs like Quetzalcoatlus. It was so they could eat and pick things up with their beaks.
  8. Ergo, pterosaurs likely wouldn't pick humans up and carry them off. They're streamlined, powerful, highly adapted fliers, not dragons or monsters from fantasy.
I could do a whole paleontological series on this, because I love this stuff, but, I tried that once, and people got very angry when I said Jurassic Park's T. rex isn't robust enough to be T. rex, ergo, it's not T. rex, but a closely related genus, Tarbosaurus.
they use the wrong terminolgy when they could make up their own like someone pointed out somewhere else they used a common medication to sslow their heart, that was a diuretic in real life.....


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
I don't mind the changes they made for Jurassic Park, it is a movie and it does look cool. That being said, it does annoy me that some of those design choices have turned into general misconceptions. For example, when I see dinosaur toys at the store the Dilophosaurus has fins on its head. It's actually been proven that no, they did not have fins, no they did not spit venom, but people always associate them with that now. It does look pretty cool, though.
Well, Dilophosaurus is named after the two bony crests on its head. That's indicated in fossil evidence.

What there's no evidence for, is as you said, no evidence of glands to produce poison, and no evidence at all of a frill like the Frilled Lizard.


And funnily enough, Jurassic Park's Dilophosaurus is rather tiny compared to the actual animal.

In the movie, it barely goes up to Newman's belly button, but here's how big it actually was.


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