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What Annoyed You Today?

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Questioning what I believe and fearing what the afterlife might be like and randomly thinking about it today

I disagree with stuff from the Bible and if I agree with what it says. What if it isn’t true in the end?
But if I disregard it what might happen to me in the afterlife? And believe in things when I don’t believe in the primary source being the Bible?
I don’t like disagreeing with myself just because I want to keep my faith and have peace in the afterlife. I don’t. How can I know if anything is true? I’m denying myself. Help me please if you’re knowledgeable about the subject
Try the book of Mormon


I'm sick rn and this headache is entirely intolerable I can't even sleep it off I'm too lucid


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
Annoyed with my teacher decided yesterday to assign us a 5 paragraph essay. It also needs to be put in a project that I'm presenting on Friday. Also a little annoyed with myself because instead of working on it I read the last to classes I had with her. (Listen man, I'm 80% of the way through Dracula and it's building up to where they confront him it's hard to focus on writing)

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Had an eye exam and picked out new glasses on the 4th. Usually it takes about a week or less for the glasses to come in. My mom had an exam and picked out new ones the same day and hers came in a week later. Two weeks later and I'm still waiting for them to say mine have came in. So my mom calls to ask what's going on with them, and apparently they came in yesterday but they broke my frames putting my lenses in so they have to order new frames for mine. They're saying that they might be here by Friday so hopefully they are.
Dirt must've gotten inside my camera when I changed my lenses on my walk the other day, and taking pictures today moved it directly onto the sensor and now I'm really scared about getting it off. It's not showing in the pictures fortunately (this is odd, it only is visible through the viewfinder) but it's certainly in the sensor I opened my camera and checked. Just trying to figure out if making the risk is worth it. Never had this happen before in the 10 years I've had this camera.
Dirt must've gotten inside my camera when I changed my lenses on my walk the other day, and taking pictures today moved it directly onto the sensor and now I'm really scared about getting it off. It's not showing in the pictures fortunately (this is odd, it only is visible through the viewfinder) but it's certainly in the sensor I opened my camera and checked. Just trying to figure out if making the risk is worth it. Never had this happen before in the 10 years I've had this camera.
Well, update. It was in fact the viewfinder, but it was obviously the part in front of the sensor that reflects up into the eyepiece and not the eyepiece itself (but it's behind the mirror, so it's really annoying to clean). I was able to get the dirt off with my little air puffer thing from a lens kit I have that I've never used, but I have no hecking idea where the dirt went afterward so I think I still have a loose hunk of debris floating around inside my camera. But hopefully it doesn't cause me any problems..

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
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ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
My school district is trying to contact me about my summer school application but I keep just missing the calls. Today they called me while I was in the car driving home so I didnt see it until I got home. I called back when I saw it but they didn't respond. I waited for a while but I couldn't wait forever, I have a post-work routine that can't wait. I go take a shower and then I get out and see that they called me back again while I was in the shower. So twice in a row in the past hour I was forced to miss the calls due to poor timing. Frustrating. :ananger:


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
In a guitar advice group, I made a post that was all about what we musicians mean by practice, as for us, it's a word with multiple meanings.

The first is the nominal, everyday meaning of practice, ie, improving on what you already know how to do.

The second is actually acquiring new skills or knowledge, ie, learning.

So I distinguished between the two, because a musician's definition of practice is really a combination of those two meanings, and one dude said I was overthinking things.

As if it's a shame to think about music critically, study it, learn it, and practice it. Almost as if music involves a lot of brainpower and thinking, and is already a cerebral form of art.

I just keep bumping into "MuSiC's ALl AbOuT tHe fEeLiNgS" crowd of guitar players a lot, and apparently it never occurred to any of them that there's no shame in knowing what you're doing, thinking about music, and to study it.

You're not really going to convey the feelings you want out of people if you can't play in key or on time. The only feeling the audience will have is, "Wow, this dude sucks."

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