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What Annoyed You Today?


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
this was yesterday
dont think i've mentioned it, but i ended up un-quitting at Target because i realised it was dumb to quit when i was so close to graduating as it's a decent job with great pay for my age. when i talked to my main boss about it (a week after I put in my 2 weeks cus it took him that long to notice) he wanted me to stay, and we made the agreement that he'd schedule me 3-4 nights a week (as opposed to the reg 5-6) till end of school, cus work and school were collectively kicking my ass
well right from the get-go he completely ignored that, which he has a pattern of doing with other coworkers as well, and initially i was like whatever i've been doing this for 5 months who cares if i do it for a little longer. fast foward to this last sunday, right before the last week of school, working 5 nights this coming week, when a coworker is talking to one of our bosses in front of me. says she has to come in late on monday cus she's got a college exam. her shift is when mine usually would start but i'm not working that day, so i offered to cover her shift until she is able to come. that's not actually an option tho so i said i could take it for the night, not cus i wanted to work (i really dont) but so she wouldnt get potentially in trouble for missing work (theyre cracking down on attendance). well i regretted that cus i didnt really want her whole shift, plus parents coudnt get me that night, but cant really take it back when youve offered to help someone, plus i didnt mind so much cus it was actually helping a coworker instead of just "fOr thE gOod Of tHe cOmPanY".
WELL my boss who talked to us about it had to update the schedule manually w/ computer nstead of me being able to just pick up the shift thru the app cus of rules (cant schedule urself more than 8 days in a row or sumn) so she said "if i forget to update it, just have a different boss clock you in when you get here tomorrow" (you have to do that when ur not on the schedule). welllllll coworker who was giving me her shift didnt here this, so monday she saw that she was still scheduled and thought i had decided not to take it. So she calls big boss and tells him that she'll be late, but here's the annoying part: Boss who knew I took the shift told big boss, BUT he intentionally didnt tell coworker I took it, cus she mentioned it on the phone, and he, instead of saying "oh yeah she's covering you" stepped around it and said something like "we need as many as possible, just come when you can" so she thought i didnt. when i got there big boss had work assigned to both of us, i thought "strange but ok", she comes, late, and is like WAIt youre here?? I didnt have to come?? and Im like WAIIt youre here??? I didnt have to come??? so we both got cucked, and were both dissapointed cus we both have school we could have been doing if one of us didnt come.
now that means 6 out of 7 nights of work on my last week of school (30 hours of work), w/ friday my only day off, plus a bunch of school i have to do, plus i had to get an uber home last night which took half of what i earned that day lol. i dont think i'll be picking up shifts for people again :p

picked up a shift to help coworker even tho i'm rlly busy with school, but boss tricked us into both showing up even tho only one of us needed to.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Coworkers not showing up but somehow still being able to keep their jobs. I wish I could not show up one day every other week, not even call to tell I can't make it, and have no doctors excuse or something, and still be able to come back without the higher ups getting annoyed. Must be so nice...

And then on top of that my car wouldn't start so I had to get a jump. I just bought a new battery only like 5 months ago too.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
I've ranted about this several times before here, but I have to complain again because I am so mad right now. My frigging sister who never cleans up after herself. I am cleaning the room currently because she never does (trust me, I waited an entire excruciating summer of her promising she'd get to it and she never did). Weeks worth of her smelly clothes, a sock so hardened I'm just going to throw it out, and food wrappers are making their way into my nightmares tonight. That's not to mention the empty water bottles, nail polish bottles, piles of cut off yarn from a wig (?) she decided to make because reasons (?) and couldn't cut the yarn above a garbage can because also reasons? She never leaves this room, ever. She's 21, has no job, lives in our room and never leaves. It looks disgusting, it smells like her sweat, and I hate it. I just witnessed 7 small grub things (the type I see near my cats food dish bc sometimes cat food spill out) wiggle under the safety of her bed and I am horrified/ on the brink of tears. This room is only 9ft wide, I have to live here and sleep here and at the very least I don't want to clean up her FRIGGING NASTY MESS or push my way through 2ft of laundry to get to my bed. I'm sick of it, I just want her to have some respect for her stupid life. I don't want to put up with this right now, please and thank you.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
I've ranted about this several times before here, but I have to complain again because I am so mad right now. My frigging sister who never cleans up after herself. I am cleaning the room currently because she never does (trust me, I waited an entire excruciating summer of her promising she'd get to it and she never did). Weeks worth of her smelly clothes, a sock so hardened I'm just going to throw it out, and food wrappers are making their way into my nightmares tonight. That's not to mention the empty water bottles, nail polish bottles, piles of cut off yarn from a wig (?) she decided to make because reasons (?) and couldn't cut the yarn above a garbage can because also reasons? She never leaves this room, ever. She's 21, has no job, lives in our room and never leaves. It looks disgusting, it smells like her sweat, and I hate it. I just witnessed 7 small grub things (the type I see near my cats food dish bc sometimes cat food spill out) wiggle under the safety of her bed and I am horrified/ on the brink of tears. This room is only 9ft wide, I have to live here and sleep here and at the very least I don't want to clean up her FRIGGING NASTY MESS or push my way through 2ft of laundry to get to my bed. I'm sick of it, I just want her to have some respect for her stupid life. I don't want to put up with this right now, please and thank you.

I'm pretty sure if I lived like that, my wife would shank me, and then force me to pick up after myself.

But I get your frustration. Is it really so hard to throw away garbage/recycle, do some laundry now and then, and make an attempt at organization too much to ask? I think not.
Having no job isn't really related to one's ability to clean up after herself, to be fair. Like, I've been staying at my mom's a lot lately, and my sister is supposed to help my mom out with the dishes because she's been living here the past four years (she will be moving out for residency next month tho) and my mom has a bad back, but like, my sis really doesn't ever do them and they sit in the sink for a week even longer. And I come over and I don't know where all the dishes are kept so I blindly do the dishes for my mom and there was hecking MOLD growing on the dishes in the sink on multiple occasions. My sister is employed, now a doctor, so I don't think it's fair to really say it's your sister's lack of a job. Might get her out of the house, sure, but my sister used her busy-ness as an excuse to get away from chores. Meanwhile I'm unemployed, looking for work, and I always get my chores done back at my dad's. I might have to wait until he goes to bed to avoid him patronizing me for existing as a functioning person contrary to his expectations of me as a passive lump he can mold to his will, but I do get them done.
my dad called me and my sister losers because we wont worship mike lindell and he accused me of following the popular crowd and that i would have been screaming crucify him at jesus just because im not following mike lindell

oh also, i no longer have a car becayse ive been havibg my mom help me drive and my car is titled to my dad and hes being petty


You Are The Light
Feb 7, 2018
Hyrule Kingdom
my dad called me and my sister losers because we wont worship mike lindell and he accused me of following the popular crowd and that i would have been screaming crucify him at jesus just because im not following mike lindell

oh also, i no longer have a car becayse ive been havibg my mom help me drive and my car is titled to my dad and hes being petty
what kind of parent calls their child a loser? that’s beyond disgusting, I’m so sorry. you deserve better.


Staff member
ZD Champion
my dad called me and my sister losers because we wont worship mike lindell and he accused me of following the popular crowd and that i would have been screaming crucify him at jesus just because im not following mike lindell

oh also, i no longer have a car becayse ive been havibg my mom help me drive and my car is titled to my dad and hes being petty

"In January 2022, Lindell claimed that he possessed "enough evidence to put everybody in prison for life, 300-some million people" for their part in the alleged 2020 election fraud.[103] At the time, the population of the United States was approximately 332 million.[104]"
lmfao who's this clown

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