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What Annoyed You Today?


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
There is a small clump of lint on one of my violets that refuses to let go of the fuzzy leaf, like cursed plant velcro. And my paintbrush that I use to remove such stubborn things from my violets is mia. :(
Nick a make up brush??

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I was set on getting a gyro for lunch today because I had to go to Target, the closest one is in the mall and there used to be a place that sold gyros in the food court there. Anyway, I get my shopping done, then head over to the food court to find out the gyro place isn't there anymore. There were only two places open anyway, both serve chinese and I wasn't in the mood for that.

So then I decided to drive to Subway since it's the closest place to get a sub. The lights were on, the open sign was on, but I go to the door to find out it's locked. The only other Subway nearby was also closed "temporarily" according to the website.

It felt like every lunch idea I had was not cultivating at all. I ended up just going to Zaxbys for some wings because it was the closest place, and I was getting so hungry I couldn't wait to try driving somewhere else.


Staff member
I was set on getting a gyro for lunch today because I had to go to Target, the closest one is in the mall and there used to be a place that sold gyros in the food court there. Anyway, I get my shopping done, then head over to the food court to find out the gyro place isn't there anymore. There were only two places open anyway, both serve chinese and I wasn't in the mood for that.

So then I decided to drive to Subway since it's the closest place to get a sub. The lights were on, the open sign was on, but I go to the door to find out it's locked. The only other Subway nearby was also closed "temporarily" according to the website.

It felt like every lunch idea I had was not cultivating at all. I ended up just going to Zaxbys for some wings because it was the closest place, and I was getting so hungry I couldn't wait to try driving somewhere else.

I had trouble finding lunch today too, my favourite chinese restaurant were closed and so was my favourite fish & chips place - had to settle for one I don't particularly enjoy. Seems like lots of places are unable to open with staff isolating with COVID recently here. Hopefully the numbers will go down soon and everyone will be alright.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I was frantically looking through my pencil boxes for my fave faber castell pencil, and luckily I found it, but then I noticed my charcoal pencil was missing and I could not find it. I'll have to buy a new one at some point I guess, but I'm kind of annoyed and sad I can't find the one I've been using, I liked it a lot.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
4 weeks ago on Monday I get to work, and about an hour in to my shift I’m told that our preventative maintenance was that day for that week only. Of course nobody bothered to tell me beforehand so I’m an hour behind on a day I’m only working for 4 hours.

Then the next week I come in on Wednesday, about an hour in I’m told that our PM day is now going to be on Wednesday from now on. Once again nobody thought it was a good idea to tell me this until I’m already behind.

Fast forward to today, and I’m told an hour into my shift that they lied or something and our PM is today after all. You guessed it, nobody thought to tell me.

Apparently even my shops scheduling guy wasn’t told until yesterday, so I guess it’s just higher ups being higher ups again.
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magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
4 weeks ago on Monday I get to work, and about an hour in to my shift I’m told that our preventative maintenance was that day for that week only. Of course nobody bothered to tell me beforehand so I’m an hour behind on a day I’m only working for an hour.

Then the next week I come in on Wednesday, about an hour in I’m told that our PM day is now going to be on Wednesday from now on. Once again nobody thought it was a good idea to tell me this until I’m already behind.

Fast forward to today, and I’m told an hour into my shift that they lied or something and our PM is today after all. You guessed it, nobody thought to tell me.

Apparently even my shops scheduling guy wasn’t told until yesterday, so I guess it’s just higher ups being higher ups again.
We had same problem with spray bottles at work...they changed them but ttold no one on my days...

Hylian Viking

A modern day Hyrule warrior mean mean stride.
Jun 23, 2020
North Carolina
My mouse for my MacBook Pro gave out, At first I thought I could rectify the issue by adjusting the sensitivity in System Preferences as said in most Mac troubleshooting forums, but no it did not respond to that so I came to the conclusion that it crapped out on me. So I had to make an unscheduled errand to Best Buy to purchase a replacement which is not cheap, seriously Apple I like your products but why do you have to charge somewhat outlandish prices for replacement hardware?

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