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What Annoyed You Today?

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
ILCA making Brilliant Diamond way too faithful when it comes to item spawns. Been hunting for an Electrizer to evolve an Electabuzz, but they are only found on wild mons like in the original games and its only a 5% chance one will be holding it. Platinum had fixed the issue by making it so you could find the items on routes at least once.


Staff member
I hate seeing people posting messages on their facebook profile which are clearly specifically targeted about one other person who they know is going to see it and drama will ensue. The same people in my extended family do this all the time and while I've never had an issue with them personally it reflects poorly on them and makes me avoid getting close with them.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
A box full of expensive magic cards arrived in the mail which is a weird way to start a post in the annoyed thread but I was dragged up to salt lake before I could get home to open it and nobody brought it up with them so ugh I need to get home right now and open it but it'll be more than 3 hours!!


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
A box full of expensive magic cards arrived in the mail which is a weird way to start a post in the annoyed thread but I was dragged up to salt lake before I could get home to open it and nobody brought it up with them so ugh I need to get home right now and open it but it'll be more than 3 hours!!
Why didn't you take it with you??

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
So here is a bit of irony, I deleted Krita from my laptop only about 2 weeks ago. Well, I forgot that I had some master files on my USB of some of my best pieces I did during Linktober, I thought I deleted the files to clear up room from my laptop, since I had no more plans to add or touch up those pieces, and I assumed I had high resolution exports of them from what I posted on Instagram and Twitter.

Anyway, yesterday I was looking at the image preview of those pieces on my Deviantart and I noticed they were super blurry. They were not a good enough resolution. The plan was to put the pieces on my Artstation so I can begin using that as a portfolio, because I'm going to start going wild on filling out applications. I can't use blurry low resolution versions though unless I want to shoot myself in the foot, lol.

So I'm like, well I'm screwed, the files got deleted. Then I had a fuzzy memory of moving them to my USB drive, and luckily I did. They are all still .kra files though. So I have to sit here and reinstall Krita so that I can convert these master files to photoshop files (.psd) so that I can use them in Clip Studio if I ever have to.

The only silver lining is I can now fix up one thing about Ganondorf Drac-mire that was bothering me.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
So at work we spray the inside of tires before they go into the mold with a chemical that needs to be filtered first. Every day we clean the filter 4 times in a sink, and pump the waste from the vat that the drain leads to into containers that we get forklifts to carry to narnia or something.

the pumps aren’t perfect, and when the water-diluted chemical (who’s name I never learned to spell) sits there long enough, it sinks to the bottom and creates this semi-solid amalgamation that has he consistency of a really thick custard that we are supposed to clean out every shutdown, summer and winter.

Apparently nobody did this shutdown, and naturally it clogged up. After we fixed the clog we decided we should probably clean it. One of the troubleshooters acted like he was going to do it so I went to grab a drink before I came to help. As I return, he says “why don’t you do it” and walks away. He says he’s gonna get someone to help, but he doesn’t. Of course he’s not doing anything else so I don’t understand why he can’t help.

The worst part is that one of the other troubleshooters is standing 5 feet away from me chatting up a storm with one of the machine operators and doesn’t lift a finger to help. When I politely ask her to, she says “we only have one scoop.” When I pointed out that she could easily just grab some gloves and do it by hand, she just awkwardly laughs like she thought I was joking, goes “I didn’t even know we were supposed to do that.”

Did I mention that this is the most fowl smelling stuff I’ve ever had the displeasure of experiencing?

So here I am, scooping out a bathtub full of ****-flavored Ben and Jerry’s all by myself, with someone whose apparently too grossed out to do her own damn job.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
So at work we spray the inside of tires before they go into the mold with a chemical that needs to be filtered first. Every day we clean the filter 4 times in a sink, and pump the waste from the vat that the drain leads to into containers that we get forklifts to carry to narnia or something.

the pumps aren’t perfect, and when the water-diluted chemical (who’s name I never learned to spell) sits there long enough, it sinks to the bottom and creates this semi-solid amalgamation that has he consistency of a really thick custard that we are supposed to clean out every shutdown, summer and winter.

Apparently nobody did this shutdown, and naturally it clogged up. After we fixed the clog we decided we should probably clean it. One of the troubleshooters acted like he was going to do it so I went to grab a drink before I came to help. As I return, he says “why don’t you do it” and walks away. He says he’s gonna get someone to help, but he doesn’t. Of course he’s not doing anything else so I don’t understand why he can’t help.

The worst part is that one of the other troubleshooters is standing 5 feet away from me chatting up a storm with one of the machine operators and doesn’t lift a finger to help. When I politely ask her to, she says “we only have one scoop.” When I pointed out that she could easily just grab some gloves and do it by hand, she just awkwardly laughs like she thought I was joking, goes “I didn’t even know we were supposed to do that.”

Did I mention that this is the most fowl smelling stuff I’ve ever had the displeasure of experiencing?

So here I am, scooping out a bathtub full of ****-flavored Ben and Jerry’s all by myself, with someone whose apparently too grossed out to do her own damn job.
Id try qnd help going ew this is gross and singin loudly...


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
This week has been just about the craziest week of school I have ever had. Here's the recap-
Monday, bus never shows. I learn I will have no bus for the rest of the week, but I managed to arrange a ride.
Tuesday, I go to school to discover it's a half day. In fact, the whole week would be have days bc of staffing problems. I only have 2 teachers in, the rest are subs.
Wednesday, roads are Icy but my school doesn't cancel. My ride gets stuck in traffic for over an hours and I stay home. Meanwhile buses (the ones still running) get stuck and are told to bring the students back home. Anyone who's already there sits in the gym and gets sent home at 10:30
Thursday, my dad is sick and I stay home.
And finally, tomorrow is canceled because of snow. Needless to say my school systems kinda dumb.

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