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What Annoyed You Today?


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
the school blocked the student accounts from uploading youtube videos a while ago, but now they've made it so I can't even view my channel or the studio :anger3d: they better not delete my account or summ cause i have over 32k views on that channel and I wanna keep them videos

Hylian Viking

A modern day Hyrule warrior mean mean stride.
Jun 23, 2020
North Carolina
I am being robocall spammed like there is no tomorrow, even worse they are using caller ID in order to deceive me, I thought the FTC and FCC were cracking down on robocalls, apparently not and I am doomed while they do very little to help rectify what I consider a violation of my constitutional right to privacy.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
I am being robocall spammed like there is no tomorrow, even worse they are using caller ID in order to deceive me, I thought the FTC and FCC were cracking down on robocalls, apparently not and I am doomed while they do very little to help rectify what I consider a violation of my constitutional right to privacy.
I've been getting a bazillion spam calls this past month too, at least I'm assuming they're spam calls since they never follow up with a text and they're all minnesota numbers

the thing is all these spammers think I'm one of two people who seem fairly old, so on the plus side I'm absorbing scam bullets from people who might actually get hurt from them rofl


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
Was just informed that Pratt used an Italian slur back in 2012. My perception of him was already lowering but that's definitely even more messed-up given the context.


Staff member
ZD Champion
Was just informed that Pratt used an Italian slur back in 2012. My perception of him was already lowering but that's definitely even more messed-up given the context.
If it's the Italian throwing up one I hope you realize it's likely fake for the sake of being a meme/joke.
That message has 183 characters, and Twitter only allowed messages to have up to 140 until 2017 when they doubled it.


Staff member
ZD Champion
when was that
to be fair I do think there's some difference since pepe wasn't appropriated as a hate symbol for quite some time, while a slur probably has decades of history

in any case this is all just a misunderstanding right?


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
to be fair I do think there's some difference since pepe wasn't appropriated as a hate symbol for quite some time, while a slur probably has decades of history
I read the wikipedia page out of boredom not long ago, it was appropriated as a hate symbol at one point but I believe that the general pepe community wasn't usually a part of that and even the creator of pepe tried to copyright strike the people who were using it as a hate symbol too. Not super relevant to the topic at hand but I thought it was interesting lol.

What annoyed me today: I'm wearing one of the school issued masks rn and the top is really sharp somehow. Not to the skin but I've poked myself in the eyes really painfully twice so far, to the point where it takes a minute for my vision to clear and my eyes start watering. I gotta be more careful lmao

Hylian Viking

A modern day Hyrule warrior mean mean stride.
Jun 23, 2020
North Carolina
Sketchup is phasing out their free 2017 Version in favor of a web-only version. this is so irritating because I have some unfinished projects and I need the capability to download components to finish my projects. Worst of all the version that fits my criteria is going to cost me nearly $230 annually to use. If anything it is a sign that tech companies are starting to practice quasi-discrimination against more thrifty or alternative OS users.

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