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What Annoyed You Today?


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
My English class is writing college essays today and tomorrow, and I'm really stressed about it. I've spent the last four hours staring at it, it's due tomorrow and I have no clue what to write. It's supposed to be kind of inflective, but I dont really think like that. "What are your interests?" "I like video games." "Why?" "Because they're fun." "How does this impact your life?" "It means I play video games a lot." That just sounds like sarcasm, which I dont think would appeal to a college board (not that I'm submitting this to any colleges, but my teacher is still gonna read it). I just can't seem to stop thinking two dimensionally.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
My English class is writing college essays today and tomorrow, and I'm really stressed about it. I've spent the last four hours staring at it, it's due tomorrow and I have no clue what to write. It's supposed to be kind of inflective, but I dont really think like that. "What are your interests?" "I like video games." "Why?" "Because they're fun." "How does this impact your life?" "It means I play video games a lot." That just sounds like sarcasm, which I dont think would appeal to a college board (not that I'm submitting this to any colleges, but my teacher is still gonna read it). I just can't seem to stop thinking two dimensionally.

Don't stress it too much. English classes were my favorite classes, and I did super well in them. However, I always struggled super hard with writing prompts about myself. I hated them. I couldn't write about myself in an interesting way. But sometimes you just take something small and try to stretch it as much as you can, even if it's not entirely true.

"Why do you like games?" "They transport me to a world beyond my own, one where I can be and do anything. They inspire my imagination and creativity." Just stuff like that. Things that you can draw good qualities from.


funky fresh beats
Jun 16, 2020
House Chalphy
ya boi
Hopes get raised with an acceptance email from a job application you sent out a couple months ago, only for them to let you know that you can't even see the list of jobs without paying a monthly fee of $40, and only after they contact you about your application do they let you know that they're nothing more than a glorified Indeed or LinkedIn. The only application sent out comes back this way.



magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Work say im not putting 100% into working when my job is cleaning tables 1st part of the day theres no customers so im flaming waiting for customers finish their slow eating!!!


Spoonman, come together with your hands, save meee
Apr 12, 2021
In your head, in your head. Zombie zombie zombie.
So, my dad was driving me home from school today, right? There was this stupid, dimwitted, bozo in front of us, driving like a lunatic. What the hell? He was jerking his car around, clearly distracted, looking behind him all the time to talk to someone, and watching random videos on Social Media. Like, bro, you shouldn't be doing this! You're a mature adult! Actually, you're not because you're a freaking lunatic, who's going to end up fatally wounding someone, or even killing them!! God, these people make my blood boil.


Staff member
ZD Champion
It's always disgusting being told I have a potential learning disorder for something trivial in life.
I just asked if you're dyslexic??

In no moment I "told" you had anything, I literally just asked out of curiosity because some of your posts had mistakes that are common among people with it. If anything I was just making sure I wasn't going around making assumptions since I'd just take your word for it.
Instead of answering you just called me ableist, said a bunch of untruths, and stormed out lol.

Also why such an extreme reaction over someone me just asking you that?
Why am I the one being called names when you're the one getting offended over someone asking you if you have dyslexia? You're acting like having it makes you less of a person or something, which is kind of a ****ed up way to interpret it.

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magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Ex was prob tryna see if there were ways he could help!? Sorry cant remember if ex is dude or lass... btw this annoyed me today LOSING DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 2 CART... but i found it... we good...


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
Idiot kids in my shop decided to goof off during lunch. Now the whole class is in trouble and we won't be going to the job we were supposed to scout out tomorrow. Hooray for another day stuck in a classroom doing safety tests.

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