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What Annoyed You Today?


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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I'm still really interested in ringtails since I found out about them, and they've become one of my favorite animals.

So obviously I look up some videos so I can see their cuteness in full glory. And guess what, one of the videos was about some hunter in Texas who killed one for their fur and because it was "a rare catch". It made me sick to my stomach to see him grinning and holding them by the tail in the thumbnail. I felt overwhelming grief I haven't had for a long time.
I feel your pain, my grandparents were about to watch an episode of a show they're watching recently and they caught the last few minutes of the previous show, something about living in the wild. I hear something about a wolf, so I look up (I was playing Switch on the couch) and I see a freaking dead one. Turns out the episode was about the wolf being a problem so the guy just killed him. That didn't sit well with me, so I feel your pain. <3


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
I'm still really interested in ringtails since I found out about them, and they've become one of my favorite animals.

So obviously I look up some videos so I can see their cuteness in full glory. And guess what, one of the videos was about some hunter in Texas who killed one for their fur and because it was "a rare catch". It made me sick to my stomach to see him grinning and holding them by the tail in the thumbnail. I felt overwhelming grief I haven't had for a long time.
I'll never understand the kick people get out of hunting, even if it's for population control, why would you feel the need to pose in a picture w/ the wildlife you shot like it's some kind of certificate
Feb 25, 2021
This was yesterday, but anyways:

Didn’t get off the bus when I should have, so I had to get off at a stop in the nearby village. Thankfully another bus came that went back to my own another 10 minutes or so later.

I just HATE in general when you do something and a single choice could’ve saved you so much hassle. I felt like Lisa when she got the wrong bus!


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Decided to hop back into Super Metroid to pick a few more things up and take another crack at Ridley, and I had forgotten I used the NSO save function instead of the native saves, so here's my current progress, locked in Ridley's room:

And here's my current native save:

I guess I can just use a walkthrough to cheese the stuff I'm missing and pick up a few more things without it but mehhhhhhh. Not happy about that.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Had a bit of an embarrassing situation happen to me today. My PM discussion section switched rooms because the air conditioning in the one room was broken, and for some reason I kept thinking I was on the third floor in the other building when I was in the second. Needless to say, I got there 10 minutes late, but, luckily, we finished everything that the AM section did, so it worked out.

Hylian Viking

A modern day Hyrule warrior mean mean stride.
Jun 23, 2020
North Carolina
I was at the Y the other day, getting back into lap swimming, which I have not done since the pandemic started. What annoyed me was I had reserved a lap lane only to find to my irritation that the Y's swim team was practicing in five out of the six lap lanes in the pool. So not only was the pool deck very loud with swim coaches shouting out instructions, but the only lap lane that was available had some random guy in it not swimming in between the shallow end and the deep end. So even when I did get in the pool I did less than ten laps because I had to swim around the random person in the pool on top of being distracted by swim practice.

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