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What Annoyed You Today?

Feb 7, 2021
I tried signing up for Disney plus, I entered in my information correctly and it Gave me the message that there was an error processing my payment method, I attempted again after clearing it with my bank and it happened again, The irony of which is that I did not have this same BS when I signed up for Discovery Plus.
I had this happen to me too. It was very strange because it declined TWO of my cards, both of which I've never had problems with before.

I was finally able to sign up with my third card, but I've never had so much trouble signing up for a service before.

Hylian Viking

A modern day Hyrule warrior mean mean stride.
Jun 23, 2020
North Carolina
I had this happen to me too. It was very strange because it declined TWO of my cards, both of which I've never had problems with before.

I was finally able to sign up with my third card, but I've never had so much trouble signing up for a service before.
Preaching to the choir, Disney Plus does not highlight the exact source of the problem that prevents the creation of a new subscription. I only solved this by going through PayPal. After going through all that I felt really stupid, and still kind of stressed over what I went through, Thankfully several episodes of The Simpsons cured all that.
Feb 9, 2021
ok this will definitely sound strange
my eyelid and my eyelash on the right eye hurts :kawaii:
its just bothers me and if I blink too hard or scratch my eyes with my hand, it hurts very much! I sometimes noticed this, before the eyelash fell out and I tried to remove it, but it holds and I can't do anything with it all day !!! :mad::kawaii:
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funky fresh beats
Jun 16, 2020
House Chalphy
ya boi

I completed two classes at my college that were registered with different codes.

Finished them both. Noticed how the content was similar, but they were listed as separate classes, so I didn't think anything of it.

Come to find out, I only received credits for one of them due to their being considered the same class. Different codes, but apparently they're considered the same class.

My college never told me this, despite me specifically calling them and talking through class registration. Now they won't give me the credits even after filing an academic petition to do so.

Flipping hell.

Azure Sage

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I cut my lip pretty bad while I was shaving and I gotta awkwardly keep a bandaid on my upper lip like a fake mustache so I dont have a stream of blood trickling down my face. It feels so uncomfortable.

While I'm on that subject, my electric razor has suddenly started being funky and it keeps nicking me even though it never used to. That's why I had to finish with a hand razor and got cut for my troubles. I wonder if the blades are damaged.
Feb 9, 2021
I know that this is a completely different topic, but I want to share that today nothing annoys me! :party:
I woke up at about one o'clock in the afternoon, slept well, in a good mood, did my exercises and had breakfast! I have the strength to clean the house and cook something tasty for my boyfriend for dinner, and in the evening I'm going to sit with my friends for a beer!
today I am happy! :D:D:D
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