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What Annoyed You Today?


Deleted member 90890

Some punk started throwing a fit in my Discord server because he didn't get what he wanted. At least seeing him get banned made my day a bit better.


I just really like botw
Apr 8, 2019
So one scene in my game is now so big that when I load it, the computer can't handle it. It runs fine on regular computers, but if I run it here on my 10 year old steam machine, the whole computer hard freezes for 10-15 minutes, no joke. It's tricky editing it without entering playmode, but that's what I do. However, now I accidentally played it, so the computer hard froze so hard I could barely force quit the entire thing. Massive sigh.


I just really like botw
Apr 8, 2019
Psychiatrist prescribing medicine of 56 pills with 3x25 outtakes. Which means that the third outtake is on 6 pills, which the pharmacy of course can't hand out, so I have to renew it but they say I can't because I already have a receipt so I have to explain the whole situation and meeeehhh


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
My Wii U charger won’t charge. I thought I just got it in the summer, I was hoping it would last longer.
Mine does that sometimes. You can still play with the gamepad plugged in. If you leave the cord plugged into the gamepad, not the little base thingy, it might start to hold a charge again. Best of luck!

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