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What Annoyed You Today?


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend

I finally got my copy of metroid prime 2 today. I put it in my GameCube and it doesn’t work!

this is the 3rd issue I’ve had in a row with getting this damn game! First someone sends me the wrong game completely, then ups screws up, now this!

Am I predestined by the universe to never play this game? Is this part of Gods plan or something? JUST LET ME PLAY THIS GOD DAMN GAME!


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Champion
Since my computer is damaged, I’m waiting to get all the data on a new computer. I now can’t write my stories. I have many stories with notes and outlines on there, hopefully we get a new computer soon so I can start writing again. It feels strange not jotting down a few sentences when my writing mood strikes. Kinda bummed about that.


Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
I made a cup of tea this morning and the milk went really weird and kind of curdled in the cup and went all lumpy and gross.

What the ****? The milk is fine, what the hell happened?

Any acidity in the tea or leftover in the cup? I’ve found with tea or coffee milk curdles in that environment.

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
My mom never has a ****ing clue what she's talking about. She's completely misinformed about covid and thinks she's an expert because she heard some dumbass on fox news talk about it. She refuses to take it seriously and hits us with a "im not wrong, you just disagree with me" whenever we try and explain to her that she doesn't have her facts straight. She legit thinks the whole pandemic is mostly a hoax to embarrass trump. Living in this house ****in sucks dealing with this nonsense. I want to move out very badly.

Also the heat index is 110 today jesus **** its hot. ugh.
My mom never has a ****ing clue what she's talking about. She's completely misinformed about covid and thinks she's an expert because she heard some dumbass on fox news talk about it. She refuses to take it seriously and hits us with a "im not wrong, you just disagree with me" whenever we try and explain to her that she doesn't have her facts straight. She legit thinks the whole pandemic is mostly a hoax to embarrass trump. Living in this house ****in sucks dealing with this nonsense. I want to move out very badly.

Also the heat index is 110 today jesus **** its hot. ugh.

"I'm not wrong, you just disagree with me."

What a line.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
My mom never has a ****ing clue what she's talking about. She's completely misinformed about covid and thinks she's an expert because she heard some dumbass on fox news talk about it. She refuses to take it seriously and hits us with a "im not wrong, you just disagree with me" whenever we try and explain to her that she doesn't have her facts straight. She legit thinks the whole pandemic is mostly a hoax to embarrass trump. Living in this house ****in sucks dealing with this nonsense. I want to move out very badly.

Also the heat index is 110 today jesus **** its hot. ugh.
I got a friend who thinks it's all a hoax. He even says all the dead bodies are props or dolls


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Wow theres some idiots out there....those 2 will be dead cuz they listen to the wrong people....


funky fresh beats
Jun 16, 2020
House Chalphy
ya boi
My mom never has a ****ing clue what she's talking about. She's completely misinformed about covid and thinks she's an expert because she heard some dumbass on fox news talk about it. She refuses to take it seriously and hits us with a "im not wrong, you just disagree with me" whenever we try and explain to her that she doesn't have her facts straight. She legit thinks the whole pandemic is mostly a hoax to embarrass trump. Living in this house ****in sucks dealing with this nonsense. I want to move out very badly.

Also the heat index is 110 today jesus **** its hot. ugh.
Yeah...I can confirm it's not a hoax. For crying out loud, I had Covid19 myself. It's very real.
So I've just beaten Code Vein. I can now say that I've beaten a Soulslike.


But... God, I would have liked this game a whole lot more if it had a decent bloody story. The story sucks so much. The world building is bloody terrible, every character arc in your party has already happened and you just spend the game going from place to place putting down monsters because... Apocalypse and you're special so you can do stuff with them?

I don't ****ing know.

How is it that a game with edgelord anime waifu vampires in a post apocalyptic world that actually crosses over with God Eater has a story this ****ing bad?

It is so frustrating. I should love this game, I want to love this game but aaaargh!

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