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Fingers crossed for a Gamecube adapter for switch. They did it for the Wii U they can do it for this hopefully.

Do you mean the adapter that let's you use Gamecube controllers? You can use the one for the Wii U on Switch, that's what I do.

I only use it for Smash though because GC controllers don't have gyro and I love me some gyro, especially in Zelda. But yeah, I have like 16 functioning GC controllers ill use those if I have to.
I think the problem with the pro controllers is that the sides of the joystick always get powder on them from constant contact with the controller casing. I've never seen that happen with other controller joysticks I've used. I always wipe that away because I worry it's gonna get into the joystick sensor or something. Not actually sure if it's related to the drift seen with pro controllers, but I would not be surprised. I just take a wet tissue and wipe off the sides of my pro controller joysticks on occasion.
I think the problem with the pro controllers is that the sides of the joystick always get powder on them from constant contact with the controller casing. I've never seen that happen with other controller joysticks I've used. I always wipe that away because I worry it's gonna get into the joystick sensor or something. Not actually sure if it's related to the drift seen with pro controllers, but I would not be surprised. I just take a wet tissue and wipe off the sides of my pro controller joysticks on occasion.

That could be some of it, I hope it is and I'm hoping that the replacement we got that had drift out of the box was just faulty on its own.

I feel like I need to preserve my controllers now until BotW2 releases.
Aug 31, 2019
Do you mean the adapter that let's you use Gamecube controllers? You can use the one for the Wii U on Switch, that's what I do.

I only use it for Smash though because GC controllers don't have gyro and I love me some gyro, especially in Zelda. But yeah, I have like 16 functioning GC controllers ill use those if I have to.
Wait seriously!?! Damn I've gotta try that out, Cube controllers are still going strong & the drift is getting increasingly irritating
Wait seriously!?! Damn I've gotta try that out, Cube controllers are still going strong & the drift is getting increasingly irritating

There are two extra Jacks on the left side of the Switch dock where you can plug the adapter in, works a treat.

My only issue is that GC controllers don't have a home button so I have to reconnected a controller to quit out of a game. Though the Smash Ultimate GC controller has the additional needed buttons.


You Are The Light
Feb 7, 2018
Hyrule Kingdom
My dad is yelling at a colleague on his call and it's really triggering a panic response because he yells so much anymore, and I can't help but associate it with him screaming at me over trivial things.
awful. you’re such an amazing, genuine person who deserves nothing but love! I hope he gets his act together, or that you’ll somehow be able to get away from that situation asap :(
Jun 7, 2016
i just found out about my older brother's spending habits.
apparently he's spent over £1000 on *"adult content"* recently, and he's buying and consuming nearly a kilogram of sugar every day, what the ****???

meanwhile, we're barely scraping by each week on what money we have.

I hate his guts because of the way he's treated our family, but i can't help but feel a little concerned. he's going to die from living like that.

el :BeoWolf:

When all else fails use fire
Feb 5, 2016
Our computer hinge broke, and now we can’t close the computer without severely damaging it. We’re getting the data off of it so we can put it on a new computer. I hope I can get my stories off of it in time...
That's how my first laptop went. Joint broke and I didn't realize so when I closed it, it cracked my screen. Definitely not a good time. Definitely can relate.

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