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What Annoyed You Today?

Today was such an improvement over yesterday and I could say today was actually a good day... until my dad got off his damn shift and exploded at me for asking him to not talk because I was writing something and needed to focus. I just ****ing collapsed and told him things I wish I didn't after that, and now it's just bothering me for every single reason. I'm glad everyone in my life holds me emotionally hostage.


funky fresh beats
Jun 16, 2020
House Chalphy
ya boi
Today was such an improvement over yesterday and I could say today was actually a good day... until my dad got off his damn shift and exploded at me for asking him to not talk because I was writing something and needed to focus. I just ****ing collapsed and told him things I wish I didn't after that, and now it's just bothering me for every single reason. I'm glad everyone in my life holds me emotionally hostage.
I'm so sorry to hear that that happened to you. But I do understand that feeling. It's really rough.


You Are The Light
Feb 7, 2018
Hyrule Kingdom
Today was such an improvement over yesterday and I could say today was actually a good day... until my dad got off his damn shift and exploded at me for asking him to not talk because I was writing something and needed to focus. I just ****ing collapsed and told him things I wish I didn't after that, and now it's just bothering me for every single reason. I'm glad everyone in my life holds me emotionally hostage.
you deserve so much better than that. i’m sorry :(


Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
Today was such an improvement over yesterday and I could say today was actually a good day... until my dad got off his damn shift and exploded at me for asking him to not talk because I was writing something and needed to focus. I just ****ing collapsed and told him things I wish I didn't after that, and now it's just bothering me for every single reason. I'm glad everyone in my life holds me emotionally hostage.

Sounds rough my friend. We love you, and hope that you are doing well. If you ever need to talk please don't hesitate to reach out. Perhaps letting some of those things out was overdue, at least you were able to get something off of your chest.

Did a workout this morning and finished it with a walk outside. However, the desert heat was just ridiculous.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Somehow a bunch of flies got in my house and they've been tormenting me and my family ever since.
They always know how to get inside but they never go out the same way they entered!

The dog of my neighbors who keeps barking 24/7 and the annoying todler who seems to do nothing but whine ALL DAYS OF THE DAMN WEEK! You can tell the difference between real crying and whining and this one whines whenever he doesn't get what he wants


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
“Hey, my coworker, I’m missing the receipt for this order? Did you get her payment?”
“Nah, you did. She was super hot”
“No, I was on the phone.”
“You definitely did, she was freaking hot.”
“I’ve checked the CC machine and there’s no record of her payment.”
“She was super hot.”
“Did you give her free food?”
“Hot girl got free food, it’s all good. We can just comp her order. She was hot.”

I love my job and coworkers.

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