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What Annoyed You Today?


The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
I’m finally able to get a Switch, and they’re sold out everywhere other than Amazon (where they’re double the price) :kawaii: I’m so upset

If anyone knows where I can get one, hit a girl up!

They've unfortunately been sold out for months now, and there seems to be a shortage all over. Even joycons are going for asinine prices, a single used one I saw for about 45 dollars, and a set of new ones, even in gray, going for about 100 dollars instead of the usual 80. I've seen joycons go for as high as 130.

Best bet would likely be used... which probably isn't ideal right now, or to keep looking. Good luck! I believe in you, don't buy into ****ty scalpers, and I'm sorry it's all like this at the moment.


You Are The Light
Feb 7, 2018
Hyrule Kingdom
They've unfortunately been sold out for months now, and there seems to be a shortage all over. Even joycons are going for asinine prices, a single used one I saw for about 45 dollars, and a set of new ones, even in gray, going for about 100 dollars instead of the usual 80. I've seen joycons go for as high as 130.

Best bet would likely be used... which probably isn't ideal right now, or to keep looking. Good luck! I believe in you, don't buy into ****ty scalpers, and I'm sorry it's all like this at the moment.
how have I been oblivious to this!? that is absolutely insane. I’d never give in to the scalpers- I’m lucky I can even afford a regularly priced console! I did find a place that has the lite in stock, which I considered, but I want to be able to play on the tv. it’s just extra frustrating because I’ve wanted one for years, and now that I’m finally able to get one, I can’t D: though I suppose there are bigger things to worry about..

thanks for the encouragement <3

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I’m finally able to get a Switch, and they’re sold out everywhere other than Amazon (where they’re double the price) :kawaii: I’m so upset

If anyone knows where I can get one, hit a girl up!
I'd recommend holding off just for a bit until production resumes and prices level back out. I know it sucks, but it's better than buying one now at an outrageously high price, or having to buy a used one.

Also, I think the trade offs between the Switch and Switch Lite still make the regular Switch a better purchase. Playing on a TV is better, afterall!
I’m finally able to get a Switch, and they’re sold out everywhere other than Amazon (where they’re double the price) :kawaii: I’m so upset

If anyone knows where I can get one, hit a girl up!

Switches aren't region locked so I would have suggested a UK retailer, though it would mean you'd have to wait longer for deliver, but everywhere here is sold out too and all that's left are terrible scalpers.

Standard Switch is your best bet too, I think the joy con drift issues still exist on the Lite so when that gets drift it pretty much takes out your entire console.

Hope you get one hun :hug:
@Shroom @Spirit @Spiritual Mask Salesman I actually just found a pretty decent deal online, so I got it ordered! Won’t get here until the 30th but ayyee I’ll take it! :D


Which games are you going for?


You Are The Light
Feb 7, 2018
Hyrule Kingdom


Which games are you going for?
Ayyy! Congrats! You have a pretty awesome library of games to dive into now! And remember to send us friend requests for multiplayer fun!

There’s a thread with friend IDs, right?

As for games, I haven’t officially decided what I’m going to get first! Other than LA and Let’s Go Eevee.. I have a long list of games I’d like to get eventually so it’s hard to choose just a few to start off with!


Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
Making a makeshift tripod is a pain, but I'm too cheap to invest into one as my channel isn't really big yet lol. Thank goodness for small, heavy Buddha statues to keep the phone still.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
My coworker loves asking me to cover her shift for no reason other than “she’s tired” but the one time I mention that I’m trying to get my shift next week covered by someone she’s like “no, you can’t! I’m asking off that weekend!”

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