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What Annoyed You Today?


Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
Walmart and Sam's Club today was a nightmare.

Packed, no social distancing, half of the people not wearing masks. I'm strongly considering using grocery delivery and paying for the extra convenience.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Walmart and Sam's Club today was a nightmare.

Packed, no social distancing, half of the people not wearing masks. I'm strongly considering using grocery delivery and paying for the extra convenience.
I know man, I went in yesterday and I got in line to check out, a dude was standing a tad too close to me, social distancing aside, he was in my personal space by normal standard. When the line moved I went further up to get some distance and the guy walks up too close again. So at this point I'm fed up, and tell him to move back. It was like what the heck dude?
I'm trying to draw a picture for someone's birthday. It'll be one of my first digital pictures of 2020 that's not just MS Paint art with mouse. It's of a character I can't draw well but I think it'll be worth it.

My sister decides to come into the room to bother me. She's been doing this constantly these past several weeks. She studies in the other room and suddenly decides to come into this room to study when she could get more done over there. But she TALKS to me the entire time and I have to stop what I'm doing to listen and it's so ****ing overwhelming. S T U D Y. Stop talking to me. I had to sacrifice homework assignments over this before and now that my semester's over, she's continuing to bother me.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Tv being annoying while im tryna watch a film.... hope its not like this thri eurovision tonight...the flows just not there....

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