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What Annoyed You Today?


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
:hug: I know what it feels like. Tried Skype Rubik? I didn't cuz many of my either doesn't have Skype or they don't have wi fi. But we'll do a big get together after this is done.
I've been using zoom and discord to some extent and it's better than nothing, but it's not really the same.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Work was hectic, it was just a non-stop swarm of people. On top of not getting much sleep last night, I had a headache all day. To make matters worse, I didn't even get to eat lunch! I tried going to one of my favorite local restaurants, but the line was so long that by time I was almost close enough to order, I only had like 5 minutes left for my break, so I had to leave just to make it back to work on time.

I just got off at 4 PM, and I feel dead. My headache isn't going away, I can't even eat now because I feel like I'm going to throw up. I'm just done with this day. I'm going to go pass out hopefully until tomorrow morning! Yay!

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Going to three different stores today, none of which had Animal Crossing in stock. I refuse to buy it digitally and use up precious amounts of the stupidly small amount of memory on the Switch, and I also refuse to buy an SD card just to play games on Nintendo's console that they were too cheap to put decent built-in memory into.


The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
Going to three different stores today, none of which had Animal Crossing in stock. I refuse to buy it digitally and use up precious amounts of the stupidly small amount of memory on the Switch, and I also refuse to buy an SD card just to play games on Nintendo's console that they were too cheap to put decent built-in memory into.

It is super annoying how little space the Switch has, but I'd recommend biting the bullet and just buying a micro sd. It feels way more freeing to not worry about it, and Amazon often offers sales on micro sds semi-frequently.

Here's a 128 gb for 23 https://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-128G...d-search-10&pf_rd_t=BROWSE&pf_rd_i=3015433011

and a 64 gb for 8.50ish https://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-Ultr...d-search-10&pf_rd_t=BROWSE&pf_rd_i=3015433011

Prices are USD, so I don't know if Canada would be different, but it's worth checking around. It's still super annoying, but that's what I ended up doing. I'd recommend even going a little bigger really, because 128 barely lasted me a couple years due to getting multiple digital releases, but I think a couple games would suffice with either size. If not, good luck with your search.


I just really like botw
Apr 8, 2019
The recruiting company that's supposed to help me find a job seems so incredibly lax..

"Oh, here's a 20 min phone meeting. (They wfh because of corona) and see ya again in 3 weeks."


I know they're only for support, and I'm supposed to do most of my work myself, but still.
The recruiting company that's supposed to help me find a job seems so incredibly lax..

"Oh, here's a 20 min phone meeting. (They wfh because of corona) and see ya again in 3 weeks."


I know they're only for support, and I'm supposed to do most of my work myself, but still.

We don't even get the 20minutes here. They either shout at us for not having found a job or sign a piece of paper and tell us to go away.

It's a horrible position hun bun. Hopefully this whole situation can brighten up soon <3


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Champion
just saw a post about someone spanking their ten month old baby and my blood is absolutely BOILING.

I am strongly against using violence as punishment towards children or people of any age, but especially a helpless baby who doesn’t understand.

I feel sick and enraged. :mmanger:

That’s horrible! That’s how old my baby brother is, I have him in my arms right now sleeping, and I never do anything like that to him, or anybody else, never!

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