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What Annoyed You Today?

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
My alarm didn't go off, which caused me to miss my bus, so I ordered an Uber and then the driver took forever to get to my house, which caused me to be 10 minutes late for my class this morning. I missed the sign in sheet by around 45 seconds so it was too late for me to sign in, which means I'm getting an absence mark on my record and a grade reduction of 5%.

Don't sleep in kids, triple check your alarms, it might save your life!


Staff member
Toilet paper and soap isn’t provided here in most public bathrooms. Also I learned that apparently culturally people like the bathroom and toilet seat to be wet here and that’s the reason I keep finding it all soaked everytime. I don’t know if that’s something I’d ever get used to.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Toilet paper and soap isn’t provided here in most public bathrooms. Also I learned that apparently culturally people like the bathroom and toilet seat to be wet here and that’s the reason I keep finding it all soaked everytime. I don’t know if that’s something I’d ever get used to.

There weren't many public bathrooms when I went. Yes they are in malls and restaurants but apart from that very rare to find a bog.


Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
Toilet paper and soap isn’t provided here in most public bathrooms. Also I learned that apparently culturally people like the bathroom and toilet seat to be wet here and that’s the reason I keep finding it all soaked everytime. I don’t know if that’s something I’d ever get used to.

Do they all have built in bidets or something? Because not being able to clean yourself is ridiculous. Looks like your going to gave to bring your own roll lol.

As for me, I thonk @Spirit can testify that waking up with a headache is not the best way to start the day. They've been increasing lately and I'm not sure why.


Staff member
There weren't many public bathrooms when I went. Yes they are in malls and restaurants but apart from that very rare to find a bog.

Do they all have built in bidets or something? Because not being able to clean yourself is ridiculous. Looks like your going to gave to bring your own roll lol

Just to clarify I’m talking about Indonesia, not Japan.

They have a hose next to the toilet that you’re supposed to use to clean yourself. But there is nothing to dry yourself with so idk how that works... I’ll just bring toilet paper and soap with me from now on haha.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Just to clarify I’m talking about Indonesia, not Japan.

They have a hose next to the toilet that you’re supposed to use to clean yourself. But there is nothing to dry yourself with so idk how that works... I’ll just bring toilet paper and soap with me from now on haha.
It could be worse Jims. In Italy they have what we use to call "dropping bombs". There is a hole in the ground and you have to place your hands on certain handles. Then drop your "content". No toilet paper, nothing. Anyway, good luck!


Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
Woke up with a headache, however it quickly went away with good ole drugs, so that was annoying. Also people who sit on machines at the gym on their phone for 10 minutes without doing a single set.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
DHL ruined the day completely. I ordered a package and it would be delivered between 2pm and 6pm. I did everything to keep it a secret to my sister. Then I checked track and trace at 2.05 pm and saw the DHL truck was already back to it's own department. I saw the signal "NOT AT HOME". I was like what the bloody ****?! I immidiatly told my sister to check her mailbox to see if she got a notification letter in her mailbox. Nope. Not in her mailbox and not in any of the neighbors either. So I had to spoil the surprise. The DHL courier never even drove through our street!! He just decided to go back and didn't even leave a message. And of course the DHL call center was closed already. I was so ****ing pissed. I'm still mad as hell. DHL, I hope you go bankrupt one day. Suit you right!!


Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
DHL ruined the day completely. I ordered a package and it would be delivered between 2pm and 6pm. I did everything to keep it a secret to my sister. Then I checked track and trace at 2.05 pm and saw the DHL truck was already back to it's own department. I saw the signal "NOT AT HOME". I was like what the bloody ****?! I immidiatly told my sister to check her mailbox to see if she got a notification letter in her mailbox. Nope. Not in her mailbox and not in any of the neighbors either. So I had to spoil the surprise. The DHL courier never even drove through our street!! He just decided to go back and didn't even leave a message. And of course the DHL call center was closed already. I was so ****ing pissed. I'm still mad as hell. DHL, I hope you go bankrupt one day. Suit you right!!

OH man. Nothing is worse than anticipating a package all day and get disappointed when it never shows. I order **** online all the time.

Related annoyance today actually. A headphones company sent me a free pair for review and UPS said it would be delivered by noon. Didn't arrive until 3pm and I was out of the house.

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