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Violet's Hall of Graphics.

Violet Link

the world will maintain its thin veneer of peace
Feb 18, 2012
le update!


I actually don't like how this sig turns out, but eh. It's about Story of Evil by Mothy/P. At first, I was planning for a sig about Servant of Evil, but I was thinking this is better. I added light trail effects and some un-clear effects, too. And a gray border.
Aug 18, 2009
le update!


I actually don't like how this sig turns out, but eh. It's about Story of Evil by Mothy/P. At first, I was planning for a sig about Servant of Evil, but I was thinking this is better. I added light trail effects and some un-clear effects, too. And a gray border.

*Likes* :cool: All in all, it looks very nice, Violet. Good job. :yes:

Violet Link

the world will maintain its thin veneer of peace
Feb 18, 2012
So... derp!

I made my first own wallpaper:


It was kinda hard to make that effect at the small Kirito and the background. After that, I added an overlay at the dual blade Kirito. To be honest, I don't really like the results. :mellow: But I kinda like it.

And second:


Another Ib siggy. I made change it into this in the future. Also, the quote "You will hallucinate when your spirit starts to suffer. What's more worrying yet is that you will not be conscious of that fact." is from the doll room in the violet area of Ib.

So.. you likey? ;o
Aug 18, 2009
I'm certainly pleased to see that you're improving with every new piece of work you show us, Violet. Those two look great. Really, I like the wall paper a lot. And the new Ib siggy looks terrific too. Keep it up, your skills are improving! :nod:

Azure Sage

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They both look good, sis! Although, there are a few things you should work on; in the wallpaper, the text isn't very noticeable. I didn't even see it until like the third time I looked at it. :eek: Maybe using white text, or white text on top of black text? And the Ib sig looks great, except it seems like there's too much empty space. The upper right corner seems especially empty... or maybe it's just me, idk. It still looks good, though. I like the effects. :3 You're definitely improving sis, and you can only get better. Keep up the great work! =D

Violet Link

the world will maintain its thin veneer of peace
Feb 18, 2012

I think I'm obsessed in making graphics already. :mellow:


I made this other wallpaper thingy which is better IMO. It's Meiko Menma from AnoHana. I added a few effects like the same bokeh effect I did with the first Ib siggy I did and a few fading effects. I purposely did that, because I want to make it like she's fading away, since she's a spirit. "Thank you for remembering me." is her own quote. I made this because I'm in love with the anime.

Mellow Ezlo

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ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Ooh, nice job on that one!

I really like the bright colours, it makes the text stand out more. And I love how the character blends with the background :yes:

And being obsessed with graphics making is good! It means you can make more, and improve faster :)


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
Oooooh, very nice job here, Violet! I really have no complaints about it, except for some nit-picking. I would just make the girl a tiny bit sharper (less fade), and fade the text, but only a little bit. Other than that, you did a fantastic job! Keep it up!

Violet Link

the world will maintain its thin veneer of peace
Feb 18, 2012

I watched Rise of The Guardians with my sister yesterday on a late night and then I fell in love with the cuteness of the Jack Frost.. he's so cute I CANNOT EVEN (fangirl squeal)


A Jack Frost Avatar.


And a thingy. I really LOVE the results of this one. I added snowy effects and bokeh effects, then I made him look crisp and clear.

I really love the results.

Azure Sage

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Wow sis, those look pretty good! I especially like your "thingy". Nice effects and good lighting. =D The text is good too, although I think it could have been a bit better if you'd given the text a white outline. I think that would have gone nicely with the snow theme. But that's just me. :eek: Looks amazing either way. You just keep improving! Keep up your awesome work! =D

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