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Villains from non-Zelda games who'd make great Zelda villains

Feb 5, 2011
So... you read the title, I'm sure you know what the topic is.

What villains from non-Zelda games, and yes they gotta be video games, do you think would be great bad guys to cause trouble in the land of Hyrule?


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
I agree the Shadow Mario would make a good one, although his abilities remind me a lot of Yuga lol. Another one I think would fit well is probably Kraid from Metroid. He has the size factor, along with the classic Zelda one-specific-weakpoint, that being his mouth which he usually only opens under certain conditions. It just feels very Zelda to me and I think he'd feel right at home in a fire dungeon somewhere.
Jan 11, 2021
Kind of basic, but Mr. Mayor from Six Flags Fun Park.
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Sep 29, 2023
Female (she/her, they/them)
Even though two out of three of the first few that I mention aren't villains, id have to say that it would be pretty cool if Pitt, Dark Pitt, and Palutena were in Zelda. That would be a really awesome crossover! I'd have to disagree on the point of Dark Mario, however as an alternative I suggest Chaos or whatever his name is from Sonic the Hedgehog. I really want to see like kick his a$$. Also, this may sound stupid, but like, Saron from Lord of the Rings would be very interesting as a Zelda villain. Also kind of funny.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013

She is Malenia, the Blade of Miquella, and she has never known defeat.

It isn't something Nintendo has done much outside of that one weird pseudo-Final Fantasy villain in the original release of Super Mario RPG (a game that, to be fair, was produced by Square Enix), but I could see Malenia as a kind of bonus endgame super boss. Few modern Zelda games really offer challenging bosses, so it'd be cool to see something like Malenia thrown at the player. You have all these combat abilities you've probably been taking for granted, so now here's a boss who will absolutely rock your **** until you figure them out.
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Just a loser loving Legend of Zelda and anime
Jul 19, 2016
In an unknown universe.
I could say Bill from Gravity Falls could make a final boss villain since he can do anything and even manipulate Link to even take his soul from his body and posses his body as if it was his own like how he did to dipper.
Dec 12, 2023
I'd like to see Kefka as a Zelda villain, just to see how far he'd go in terms of destroying everything

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