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Majora's Mask VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 101!

In Majora's Mask, which character (out of these) do you think has the saddest story

  • Skull Kid

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kamaro

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Deku Butler

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Darmani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mikau

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kafei

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gorman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The people of Ikana Kingdom

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


The Destructive One
Staff member
Apr 4, 2012
Göteborg, Sweden
Last week's winners:

Third Place: OOT (18.52%)
Second Place: TWW (25.93%)
First Place: TP (29.63%)

This week's question: In Majora's Mask, which character (out of these) do you think has the saddest story and why?

Skull Kid
The Deku Butler
The people of Ikana Kingdom


And now.. That imp has it
Nov 4, 2013
I have to go with the Deku Butler. Overall MM was a sad game with a lot of characters that made you feel bad for them. But personally, I think the fate of the Deku Butler is the worst. The fact that he has no clue where his son is makes it so terrible. Losing a child and not knowing what happened to it must be the worst thing that can happen to a parent. If you know he or she is death, you might get some closure some day. But if you don't know what happened, you will always have questions.

The scene in the credits where he finally found his son (as a tree) was hands down the saddest scene in Zelda history.

Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011
Well, the Ikana kingdom takes the cake for sadness, at least for me. When I played through the game for the first time, there was this sadness that seemed to radiate from the land, and upon investigation, Link learned everyone there had already met a cruel fate due to distrust and betrayal. Although I was a little more pitiful towards others, like Darmani, the decline and fall of an entire kingdom is sadder. This entire part of the game made me feel like what I was doing was sort of a lost cause, because, well, everyone's dead. All Link was able to do is help them rest in peace. But that's all, everyone there was still betrayed by each other, still died (probably violently), and there was still a war going on.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I'll share my thoughts on each of them to show my thought process. I'm approaching this question in terms of who do I feel most sorry for in the story.

Skull Kid- He was a thief and received a karmic punishment that was way worse than the crime. The Skull Kid was not completely innocent so although I feel sorry for him, he definitely is not my pick.

Kamaro- Let's look at Kamaro's circumstances. He is an artistic performer who longs to be famous, and he spends his time isolated on a rock mushroom just outside of town. It seems like even during life no one knew who he was. So basically it seems like you have a hermit who longs to be famous. Then it takes Link about two seconds to actually try to get Kamaro some recognition and succeed. So if my assumptions are true, Kamaro is just an idiot who never tried to chase his dreams at all- he just spent his life dancing alone then after dying he decided that he should have connected with people. Maybe he has an avoidant personality, but this would make his choice of aspiration (to be famous) incredibly bizarre.

The Deku Butler- His son disappears without warning, and then he finds his son frozen as a statue with no explanation as to what happened.

Darmani- He died trying to save the Gorons but seemed a little reckless.

Mikau- Mikau is pretty much the same as Darmani except he was saving the Zoras, and it seemed like he might have been in love with Lulu.

Kafei- His curse from the Skull Kid was embarrassing, but at least he lived unlike several people on this list. Ultimately Anju still wanted to honor her commitment to him which means she must really care about him. I do wonder if anyone would view her as a pedophile.

Gorman- He's just a cranky guy who built a successful business and misses spending time with his sociopathic brothers.

The people of Ikana Kingdom- Everyone here violated the cardinal rule of real estate- location, location, location. Why would anyone live in a haunted valley with all the beautiful places in Termina? Sakon is a selfish thief so I struggle to feel sorry for him. Pamela and her father are a sad story, but seriously why do they live there?

So my top three are the Deku Butler, Darmani, and Mikau. I would say the Deku Butler is the saddest story of them all because I think dealing with the loss of a loved one is a more traumatic experience than actually dying yourself.
Feb 7, 2014
I'm a little frozen with Butler, Darmani, and Mikau. But I will say that people sympathize with Skull Kid too much.


The Destructive One
Staff member
Apr 4, 2012
Göteborg, Sweden
Gorman- He's just a cranky guy who built a successful business and misses spending time with his sociopathic brothers.

Actually, if you read up a bit more on him, he is a man that has spent his life to fulfill his dream, while at the same time neglecting his family. But when he is about to achieve his dream, everything is ruined by the events of the game. When he is in the Milk Bar, trying to drink his sorrows away, and you get him to cry, he remembers where his dream started and regrets neglecting his family.


Will play for rupees
Mar 12, 2014
Behind you!
I always felt really bad for the Skull Kid. He was just lonely and didn't understand how to make friends, and Majora preyed on that loneliness.

Triforce Hermit

Praise the Sun
Mar 2, 2013
The Deku Butler. It was him or Ilkana, but Ilkana brought the suffering upon itself. The Deku Butler was innocent so I pity him more.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
I have to go with the Deku Butler's son because not only is the story sad, but it was well executed. Mikau, I believe, perhaps had the saddest story (couldn't save the eggs of the woman he loved and died trying). However, the character's death wasn't very well executed. The upbeat song just ruined it for me. If he hadn't burst right into singing, I may have felt more during this scene. Sadly, I can't feel the same sadness as I do when watching the Deku Butler cry over his dead son.


embrace the brand new day
Oct 23, 2012
Deku Butler's is sad because his son stayed dead permanently. But, if Link hadn't saved the day, Darmani would have died thinking/knowing his loss also resulted in the starvation and death of his people. Mikau died for Lulu's children, but his species wasn't in as dire a situation as the Gorons. I went with Darmani. If Link hadn't fixed things, I think his story would be the most tragic.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
Im a Father, so i default to Deku Butlers anguish! I thought its was heart breaking as a kid, and i played it last summer, and it really just... .i feel so bad for him!


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
I would either say Deku Butler or Kafei

Deku Butler's son disappeared and never returned which must have been heart breaking. And then at the end he finds out his son has died and been turned into a tree statue thing which is also incredibly sad. Unfortunately I can't fully relate because I am not a father.

Kafei's story is also very sad IF you don't intervene or stop the moon. Providing you don't help the star-crossed lovers out, it turns into a story in which the man Anju loves disappears leaving Anju not only heartbroken but lonely and miserable and concerned and rattled with questions just in time for the world to end. The opposite end is also incredibly sad, as Kafei runs away from his love leaving him heartbroken as well, and painfully aware of the agony he must be causing her. And then of course, without your help, he doesn't succeed and inevitably winds up a painfully self-aware failure wishing he could've done something to fix the situation, and waiting to die alone.

Dark ****.


The Destructive One
Staff member
Apr 4, 2012
Göteborg, Sweden
For me, it's the Deku Butler... The other ones are really sad too (Well, Kamaro is kinda meh in sadness) but in the game you can usually solve their problems or at least help them move on. But for the Deku Butler and his lost son, there is nothing you can do...

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