This chain of badboys was always my favorite. I spent no telling how much on collecting as many of the best figures as I could over a period of years. And then I'd occupy myself by unbuilding the sets and remaking them into Toa, Titans, and hordes of villains to have them fight against. My favorite creation of all time was a female, ebony-silver attired colossus who I called Shadowa; in form she greatly resembled Roodaka, but instead she had a breastplate akin to Axonn's, billowy cape, and an enormous Staff of Darkness.
Out of all the lines of toys, Bionicles were undoubtedly the ones that I was the biggest fan of. Aside from the toys, I had also collected books that had stories from the series and encyclopedic information, and watched all the movies. Lego also got some games developed, but I never ran across them. Overall, great franchise story-wise and design-wise.