Of course Ericzander of BlackStarChronicles is the best. That guy is awesome and always make the best and most easily accessible tutorials. He explains things so well and I always come out of it being completely satisfied. That dude is awesome. Totally check him out.
Okay shameless promotion over.
1. Vsauce (I always quote him to make myself sound smarter than I really am.)
2. TommyEdisonXP (really cool. Dude's blind and he does a lot of things that us "normal" people can do. And he can joke about himself. Seriously he's awesome.)
3. Nigahiga (Yeah I know, pick an obvious choice. But I still love this guy and I've been watching his videos even before they blew up #hipsterzander)
4. HowItShouldHaveEnded (Simply hilarious. Usually spot-on.)
5. CinemaSins (Known for doing "Everything wrong with *insert movie*" videos. Awesome.)