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Things You'd Like to Have Return

Jul 22, 2011
Hopefully someone hasn't made a thread about this recently, but I'm interested in hearing some of what you guys would like to see return to the series, no matter how unrealistic they may be.

the magic meter: I'd love to see Link have more spells like Din's Fire and the Bombos Medallion, as well as being able to use fire/ice/light arrows again. I really missed such abilities in TP, so I think it would be great to have them back.

Biggoron Sword (or something similar): Might not be the best in a motion-controlled game, but it's a nice thought, eh? Gives Link some variety rather than just two swords, with one being stronger than the other.

Kinstones: Not much I can say about these, but I'd like to see them come back. Maybe not with such a big role as they had in TMC, but it would be pretty fun to have them again.

Gasha Seeds: I really like the idea of planting something in a patch of soft soil, and coming back later to have a random prize waiting for me.

Rings: I'd love to see rings return with a similar function to the ones in the Oracles games. Of course, one source of rings could be the aforementioned Gasha Nuts.

Just some thoughts. I'd like to hear what you guys have to say.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
The Magic Meter along with those magical prisms in Ocarina of Time (Nayru's Love, Din's Fire, etc).
Oct 16, 2011
I would like to see more involved side quests. Maybe not as much as in MM but more than TP. I rember the bridge reconstruction and the buying of the store but that was mostly just raising money and the bugs were just collection. I want a non-nessasary challenge from Nintendo again.


Guru-Guru's strange son
Apr 20, 2011
Belgium, its in Europe
I would also love to see the Kinstones make a comeback. And bombchus. But than make them USEFULL for once. I mean, they're awesome items and there can be awesome puzzles made with them, why don't use them. I was very happy with the comeback of the whip in SS and I hope that items like the megaton/skull hammer, sand wand and the roc's cape make a comeback.
Jul 22, 2011
I would also love to see the Kinstones make a comeback. And bombchus. But than make them USEFULL for once. I mean, they're awesome items and there can be awesome puzzles made with them, why don't use them. I was very happy with the comeback of the whip in SS and I hope that items like the megaton/skull hammer, sand wand and the roc's cape make a comeback.
I agree about the hammer, for sure. And how could I leave out the bombchus!? I think bombchus would have been really cool in PH and ST.


I'm baack. Who missed me?
Sep 7, 2011
United States, Michigan
I'd like them to bring back magic spells like the ones in Adventure of Link. Who knows what they could do now with the different graphic styles.


The Juror of Courage
Oct 25, 2009
Wherever the winds take me.
Magic Meter
Classic Hookshot (I like the look if it)
Ice Rod
Fire Rod
Magic Rod
Cane of Byrna
Roc's Feather (in a console game)
Mirror Shield
Ether/Bombos/Quake Medallions
Noble Sword (in a console game)
Rings (like TLOZ and/or OOX)


Eating Link since 1987
Jul 27, 2010
The Wind Temple
I definitely would like to see the Magic Meter again, along with Fire/Ice/Light Arrows and some kind of hammer. The Mirror Shield and Biggoron's Sword also deserve comebacks.
Nov 26, 2008
-Magic Meter
-OoT Equipment System
-Second Quest
-Optional Dungeons and Caves
-Using Keys in other dungeons

There's a couple of other things I'd add, but I don't feel the need to because they're practically confirmed for Skyward Sword (spoils, challenge). The Magic Meter, especially as it was in the earliest games, was an excellent way of managing your powers and limiting those same powers, so I think it would help add a much-needed layer of strategy to the modern Zelda games, particularly if it was utilized more than TWW did. The Stamina and Shield Meters in Skyward Sword seem to be doing alright on that front in the meantime though.

Rings from the OoX games were freaking brilliant. Collectibles that give you optional but useful modifications to your abilities. This is an excellent element of RPG depth that I've thoroughly enjoyed in the Oracle titles and it seriously needs to come back. At one point it seemed like it might turn up in SS, but it's still unclear. Similarly, I liked Ocarina of Time's equipment system, and how you had a number of different items of clothing and equipment that had different properties. Combining this with the concept behind Twilight Princess' Zora Armor, which basically was like an MM transformation in that it gave you some new moves to your standard moveset alongside special weaknesses, a new equipment system could be brilliant.

A second quest is also potentially in Skyward Sword but unclear, and I think they really need to do this more often. It's an easy solution to the divide between the casual gamers who want Zelda to be easy and the hardcore gamers who like a challenge; easy first time, insane on the second quest. Would also like to see more substantial cave networks or optional danger areas or dungeons kinda like some areas in A Link to the Past, but particularly like the Lantern Caves in Twilight Princess, where you could navigate these areas and find good treasure. Would like to see this expanded in a future game.

Finally, I'd like to be able to use keys in other dungeons or in the worldmap, but actually what I'd like to see is a variation on this... I'd like Silver Keys, or whatever you want to call them (maybe just "Dungeon Key") to be what we're familiar with; usable only in a specific dungeon (though maybe sometimes you could find them outside of said dungeon?), but you could also collect and maybe even buy more generic keys that can be used to open especially valuable chests or hidden optional doors within dungeons, caves or other areas. This would be a brilliant expanded adventure element, especially with optional dungeons.


Flamey-o, Hotman!
Aug 29, 2011
Halfway There
Am I allowed to say something that's not an item or mechanic?? I just really want to hear them use the original 8-bit "You-made-something-happen," "bu-da-loo-duh-doo-da-li-dling!" noise again. I also agree with Axle the Beast on the equipment system from Ocarina of Time, which I probably wouldn't have thought of by myself.
Last edited:
Jul 22, 2011
Magic Meter
Classic Hookshot (I like the look if it)
Ice Rod
Fire Rod
Magic Rod
Cane of Byrna
Roc's Feather (in a console game)
Mirror Shield
Ether/Bombos/Quake Medallions
Noble Sword (in a console game)
Rings (like TLOZ and/or OOX)
I also agree that the hookshot should come back, and should regain its ability to latch onto pretty much anything wooden.

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